{3} Change Isn't Always Good

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Dark's POV

My expression turns sour again and I watch Anti try and fight back. Like a horse against reins. "Alright strip him of all the weapons he's carrying and take him to the interrogation room Mad."

"Got it Dark." Anti tries fighting against Mad more but soon gave up and looked at me with the saddest eyes I've ever seen him make. On the inside I was hurt to see him like this but the outside I didn't even flinch.

"Not even a hug or a kiss on the cheek for your old boyfriend Darky."

"My name isn't Darky Anti. Get him out of my face Mad." I turned away biting my lip and began talking to Die. "So what are you gonna do with him Dark?"

"I'm gonna have to talk to him about the robbery. One of the witnesses said they saw three guys running with bags in their hands so I have to ask Anti if he knows who these guys are and where they are now." 

"Good luck in there with King of the Streets Dark."  I nod and walk to the interrogation room with the case file in my hand seeing Anti get his cuffs taken off and rubbing his wrist smirking as he saw me walk in.

"Hello Anti or should I say Prince of Crime."

"Call me whatever you want babe so should I say cheater." he says hands on the table staring into my eyes.

"I-I don't now what you're talking about."  I turn away from him arms crossed.

"Oh I think you do Dark. High school two years after I left after I saved you. I watched you, kept an eye on you and made sure you where still safe from the trees or from the tops of the school building. Then I saw you at school holding hands with Diego, one of the schoolwide man whore. I watched you and him kiss under our spot the same bleachers where we were each other's first kiss." I watched him pull up his sleeves and saw scars al over his arms.

"You see all these. These came from me. Each day I saw you with someone else it hurt me Dark that broke my heart. And what happened two months later he ended up cheating on you Dark. But still I never heard a another word from you.Never a call, not a single text, nothing. It's like as soon as I left I was gone from you life forever."

"You were gone from my life forever Anti." I saw him pull out his phone a show me a pic of when we had our first kiss under our special spot where we would talk and share secrets everyday.

"Remember this, remember us. What happened to the Dark I once knew? What happened to my sweet, kind, caring Darky?  Not tough, cop Dark."

"I've changed. I've become tougher."

"And sometimes change isn't always good Darky."

"And what about you Anti if change isn't so good what's with all the stealing all the murders? Hmm what happened to my old Anti?"

"I did it to survive. I did it to be with you again"

"So you would rather run than spent a year or two in jail and then come back to be with me."

Anti's POV

I sit back down in the chair and pull my hood back on thinking about what Dark said, I never thought of it like that. Could have really just spent time in jail and then came back to my Darky?  And as I was thinking tears began pricking at my eyes.

"Just ask your stupid questions already."

"Fine...First things first where are the men who helped you in the crime Anti?"

"I have no idea Dark."

"You know something Anti can you at least tell me their names?"

I stayed silent after that question. I was unsure of what to do should I tell him and risk Nick and Tony getting in trouble or should I just tell the truth?

Sure they left and took the money,Sure they got me in trouble with the fuzz but Criminal Code is on that I live my life by.

"No idea Darky. It's a little thing called Criminal Code." I crossed my legs and smirked little did I know I would regret that decision later.

A frown appeared on his face and he started to raise his voice. "Anti don't play dumb with me okay?! Now if you know something anything then you better tell us!"

"I'll say it again since you obviously didn't hear me correctly...I know nothing Dark."

Enraged he walked out of the room with clenched fists. "Love you too Darky!" I called to him winking.

"Alright Die what do we do know? He knows something maybe even everything but he wouldn't budge on telling anyone" I heard him say behind the glass.

"I know what to do." A man who I believe is Die walked with Dark tailing him. "Listen Anti we're gonna make you a deal."

I slightly sit up in the chair, "I'm interested, keep talking."

"If you help us catch these guys and solve the case then for each piece of evidence you give us that's useful, you get time off your prison sentence, deal?"

"Alright deal but first I have demands." If I'm getting this type of deal from a cop then I'm gonna milk this in anyway I can.

"1. I'll start this deal tomorrow. 2. I don't have to spent the night in the prison, I wanna stay  with Mr. Tough Guy over there. 3. All my charges will be erased."


"Dude Die what are ya doing." Dark whispers.

"If it gets him talking then we kinda have to Dark. And since he's staying with you you gonna keep you're boyfriend under control."

"He's not my boyfriend." And to be honest it stung when he said but it didn't faze me at all...Oh who am I kidding I love Dark with all my heart and I fucked up everything when I left. So now I actually have a chance to fix everything.

Another update YESS! I'm on a roll this break. So thank you guys so much for reading if you liked it PUNCH that vote button in the face LIKE A BOSS and as always I will see you in the next chapter. Buh Bye!

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