Chapter 24

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Mikey pulled out my seat and I sat down thanking him before he sat down himself. "Mikey, I love it so much" I said again for probably the 100th time since I got here. "Haha, it's all for you babe! I love you" he said smiling and gently taking my hand in his on the table. "You've been getting so stressed over the wedding that you needed a break and what better break then a date with her fiance?" he said cheekily. "No you just want to get laid tonight" I spoke, stating the obvious. He fake gasped and acted like he was offended by my acusation. "It's true, and you know it" I said laughing. A smile broke out on his lips just as the waiter walked over. "Calum?" I asked and he nodded. "You got you band mate to be your waiter? Please don't tell me that Luke or Ashton are cooking..." "Of course not, You think I would walk you into a death trap? No they aren't. Your friends are" he said looking at the table. "What's Luke and Ashton's jobs then?" I asked raising my eyebrow. "You'll find out later.." he told me. OK then.

"So what can I get the lovely couple?" Calum asked. "Urm, can we have the menu first?" I asked and he handed it over. "Pizza? This is how I know you definately planned the whole thing" I said before laughing. "We'll have pizza, thank you" Mikey said and Calum took the menu's and walked down the path. "I can't believe you're making my friends the cooks for our date.. How clever can you be?" I said before we both started laughing.

"So how was your day?" He asked. "It was good. Had the dress fitting, whcih went well and then we went for a coffee and just gospied about our love life." I told him "Our love life?" he asked confused. "As in Caitlin said how its going with her and Ashton and Holly said how its going with her and Luke and I said how its going with us. It's what us girls do. We talk about everything." "Everything?" he asked; I raised my eyebrow "Like bedroom stuff?" he asked. "Well we would say if its good or not but we never go into details. We talk about everything but there are limitations, Michael" I said laughing. He looked down embarressed and sighed. Calum then walked up with our pizza and put it down infront of us and poured us a glass of red wine. "You don't drink wine.." I stated and Mikey sighed. "It's a date, I can't drink beer.." he stated in a duh tone. "You did for the spiderman marathon date we had.." "Yes but that wasn't a fancy date like this" he argued. "MIkey, babe, we're eating pizza" I luaghed. "It's the thought that counts" he counter argued. "Ok.. haha" I love these silly little arguments we have because they aren't proper arguments there just little bickerings.

We started eating out pizza and Luke came out with his acoustic guier and started strumming. "Did you spend the whole afternoon planning this?" I asked and he nodded his head. "Adn what female helped you with buying the clothes?" I asked. "There was no females just me and Luke" he said. I then thought it would be funny to get him all flustered infront of his band mate so I put mut foot at his ankle and started slideing it up and down his leg and his eyes shot opene wide. He then started to cough awkwardly. "Are you ok there?" I asked him and he just glared at me probably holding in a moan. I love how easy it is to turn him on. It's like just flicking a switch. He abrubtly stood up grabbe my hand and dragged me to the car and we went home, making out in the back of the limo.


I woke up the next morning snuggled up to Michael, our legs tangled and our noses touching. Cute little snores were leaving his mouth. I carefully looked over to the clock to see it was 10am. I jus5 want to lie in bed all day in Mikeys arms. I snuggled back into his chest and sighed in content. "Comfy?" I heard him ask in his croaky deep morning voice. "mhmm" I voiced back too lazy to speak. My response caused him to chuckle making his chest vibrate. I groaned in annoyance. "Stop laughing. Its not comfy!" I complained. "I'm sorry baby" he cooed.

I suddenly didn't feel so good and felt like I was going to be so out of bed threw in a tshirt and a pair of knickers before heading to the batbroom. When I got there it was a few minutes before I was physically sick. Most mornings I feel rough but not been sick. Oh well. I brushed it off my shoulder and went back to the bedroom. "Are you ok, babe?" Mikey asked and I nodded my head throwing myself back on the bed. "I'm fine. Probably just something I ate" I kied knowing that it couldn't be that. "Babe are you... I mean you're overly emotional and sick in the mornings. Are you pregnant again?" he asked and I struck cold. "I better not be. 3rd time and I'm only 18 plus I can't walk down the aisle pregnant. If I am we'll have to postpone the wedding." Michale shushed me. "Babe you could only be like, what 3 days pregnant at the max... and you can't have an accurate test until after 2 weeks so calm down, you won't be showing untill well after the wedding anyway and you might not be pregnant." He spoke calmly. "I'm just getting worked up over nothing. I can't be pregnant and it probably is something I ate. Don't say otherwise or I will slap you!" I spoke calmly. He laughed and told me to sleep for a little longer so I nodded my head and we snuggled back up under the covers.


I woke up to an empty bed and saw it was 1pm. I really need to get up now. I got out of bed got changed into a pair of sweats and one of Mikeys shirts before walking out to the lounge kitchen dinning room place to see Mikey was watching How I Met Your Mother. "Babe?" "mm" he responded. "I thought that was Lukes favourite TV show.." I mentioned and he laughed. "I like it aswell!" he defended like a 5 year old which madr me laugh. "When we have a child it needs your sense of humor!" I said which caused him to give me a wide mouth cheeky grin. It feels weird saying that at 18 but we're getting married in a few weeks so I know I can say stuff like that. The question is, do I really want to get married at 18? I am 100% certain that I want to marry Michael but I'm not sure about being 18 when I say 'I do' to him...

"Babe, are you ok? You seem to have your thinking and worrying faces on... What's up?" he asked me. Bad thing here is I know he knows when I'm lying. "I do want to marry you..." "...but?" he interupted sounding comoleteky deflated. "I don't think I can at 18. I still say yes to you asking me but just ask if we can wait a few more years. You know just push the date back." I said hoping he's understanding that I still want to be his fiancé. "So you're still marrying me, just not in just under 3 weeks? You're still my fiancé?" he asked and I could see the glimmer of hope in his eyes. I sat down next to him, put my hands on his cheeks and I kissed him tenderly. I pulled away before saying "Of course" which caused.him to kiss me full of passiin and need. That was probably the hardest moment of my life. How deflated he looked.

"Babe, why now? Why are you only thinking this now?" he asked me after pulling away. "I had a dream just now. It was our wedding but it was few years later and what made so adorable was our flower girl was our daughter. I can't help but want that but I also like the idea of not having to rush to plan our wedding." I told him and he nodded his head before kissing me again. " I wish I could've seen that image. It sounds wonderful!" he said in between kisses. "I love you!" I told him and he smiled "I love you" he was about to kiss me but the doorbell went off.

"I'll get it" I told him sitting up and walking to the door. I opened it to reveal Caitlin and Holly. "Hey guys." I said and they didn't look too happy. "Whats up?" I asked them. "Has Mikey not told you?" they asked. What on earth could he have not told me. "Told me what?" They're moving back to asutralia in a month for a year. You will be his wife. You will have to go so we will lose our boyfriends and our bestfriend at once" They were now crying. I turned around to see Mikey standing behind me. "Was that why you wanted to get married? So that I had to go with you?" I asked, tears brimming my eyes. "No, I only found out yesterday." he admitted walking closer. "And you still didn't tell me? My best friends got to hear it from their boyfriends yet my fiancé is to chicken to tell me?" I was now in hysterics. I don't see why I am reacting like this. I'm blowing this out of proportion.

"Jo, you're blowing this out of proportion, a little" Holly said. "Thats why you organised the date. You felt guilty that you were taking me away from my family and friends, not because I was stressed about the wedding plans." I was now in full waterworks mode. "No, babe, I.." Mikey started but Caitlin cut in "Jo maybe we should go for a walk, blow of this steam" she said. I nodded my head and went to get changed before leaving my apartment with Caitlin and Holly to go for a walk.

"I wasn't excpecting you to blow up so much. Whats up?" Holly asked. I pushed the wedding back a few years, so I'll be her in the UK but we think I could be pregnant due to my rediculous emotions. Which means I'd have the Baby without him which breaks my heart!" The girls didn't say anything, they just comforted me and cheered me up while we walked around town.


I updated! Woo! If you like it please vote, maybe voice your opinions by commenting but deffo follow me on twitter @JJBINX99 and check out my other Mikey fanfic called Nothing Lasts Forever, Nothing Stays The Same! Love you all!!

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