Chapter 34

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"Nathan? Uh, hi. What are you doing here?" I asked making sure Mikey wasn't in earshot. "I came to see you. I here you had your baby!" he said sneekily trying to squeeze into my house. I shifted to my right to stop him from walking in. "Yeah, beautiful baby girl. Look, I have a boyfriend and a baby and I am currently having a little get together. Now isn't the best time" I told him and he sighed. "Look, shall I tell you why I'm really here then?" he asked and I looked at him confused. "HI, I'm Nathan. Phoebe's older brother." Shit.

"Are you by any chance here to see Calum, then?" I asked and he nodded his head. "May I ask why?" "He broke my sisters heart, so I'm going to break him." he said. Well ok then. "Look, they ended it mutually plus it will be 4 against one so fuck off, away from my property before I call the cops." I spat before shutting the door in his face and walking back into the living room.

I walked in to see something I should've been expecting, to be honest. Holly was on the sofa with Luke playing with Emma who lay across they're legs. It was so cute, I can't until they have mini Lukes and Hollys. Michael, well he was where Emma was. Yes that is correct, he is under the toy dangly thing playong the dangly things. My boyfriend and father of my child ladies and gentlemen. I sighed and sat on the chair opposite Caitlin and Ashton. They were being all cute and cuddly.

The nice thing about all of us is we don't make out around our friends. They'll be a little innocent peck from time to time, or some cuddling, like now, but thankfully no full-frontal snogging. I always remember when us three would be out and about and if we saw people sucking faceswe wouldn't be afraid to hise our disgust. i once went up to someone and told them to get a room. I think that's the first time I was a cockblock. My proudest moment ever. That says way too much about me and nothing good.

"Who was at the door?" Mikey asked when he realised I was back in the room and once he was out of Emma's toy. "I'll tell you later" I said before quickly pecking his lips. I looked over to Emma with Holly and Luke and all I could think was how great they'll be at being parents. So cute. This sight brought a smile to my face. "I'm sorry, I know she is only opposite me but I miss my baby girl" Michael cooed as he walked towards Luke and Holly. He gently picked her up and slowly rocked her. Seeing him with her always breaks my heart. She will definitly grow up being a Daddy's girl.

"So how do you feel about the fact that Michaels gonna be 20?" Ashton asked. "Well, Mr 21, it kills me cause he will no longer be a teenager, he will be a man but thats my inner fangirl that hasn't been unleashed in over a year talking." I told them and they all laughed. I looked at Michaels and he held out Emma above himwith his arms stretched up and his head tilted back. He was making all the baby noises and she was laughing. I am dying here.

In the corner off my eye, I someone sit on the arm of the chair I was sitting on. "This must warm your heart" Luke said. I noddedmy head and leaned my head against him. Another thing thats great about all of us. None of us take things the wrong way with eachother. I could be sitting with luke in the chaor with his arm around my shoulders and Holly and Michael wouldn't care because they know we are only friends. Seriously everything is perfect right now. "It really does. I remember the second time I was pregnant but as far as Mikey was concerened it was first. I remember when we found out that day"

"Well, Johanna it appears that you are indeed pregnant, which is interesting.." he said with a puzzled face. "Why is it interesting?" I said with uncertainty in my voice. "Well it appears you're not able to have children yet here you are pregnant..  We'll have to keep a close eye on this." he said. "Why? Could I lose the baby?" I asked getting a little freaked. "I don't want to have a baby! I am onky 18! I want to be able to live on the wild side atleast until 25! I'm not ready!"

"Babe, calm down. Everything will be ok!" Mikey said putting his arm around me trying to comfort me. "ok" I said simply.

"Babe, we have a hungry Emma" Michael said chukling. I looked up to see he was cradling her and she was suckling his shirt. "Ok. Come here Emma" I said, taking the precious child from Mikey and going upstairs to feed her.

Michaels POV

I handed Emma to Jo and shewalked off upstairs. Something wasn't right. "Luke, what were you two talking about?" I aske dhim trying to get to the bottom of why she seemed so off sudenly. "Urm when you two found out she was pregnant the first but was technically her second prenancy." "You mean at the doctors where she found out that she technically couldnt have kids?" Luke nodded his head. I sighed before walking upstairs.

I walked to out bedroom to see her sitting on the bed feed Emma. "Babe, what's up?" I asked and she turned around and she seemed like she was crying. I sat down next to her and put my left arm around and stroked Emma with my right hand. "I was told by the doctor that I shouldn't be able to have kids. What if something is wrong with Emma? What if she won't be able to have kids? What if she's going to be an only child?" she bambled on. "Babe, you need to stop worrying. If you can't have another baby, we can adopt and then that way if she can't have kids she'll know that adoption is definately an option" I told her an she nodded her head before leaning it on my shoulder.  "You should go back down to out friends. We'll be down soon" she said. I kissed her forehead before muttering and ok.

When I got downstairs, Calum, Luke and Ashotn were sitting on the sofa and the girls were nowhere to be seen. "Where are the firls?" I asked. "Where they belong" Luke said. "In the kitchen" Ashton added. "Making us food" Calum finished. "What the hell? I'm no feminist but girls don't belong in the kitchen!" I yelled. I walked into the kitchen to tell the girls to go into the lounge but they weren't there. "Seriously guys! Where are they?" I yelled storming back into the living room. "We can't tell you" Luke said. I sighed before plonking down on the sofa. "As long as they are back before Jo comes down" I muttered, rubbing my temples. I'm not yet 20 and I kinda feel old. Ugh, great.

"You need to relax, man!" Calum said chuckling. "I know. I just don't think I can handle all of this at once. Jo is losing her mind over remembering what the doctor said about not being able to have kids, the stress of no sleep and banding stuff. It's too much" I said. "I'm not losing my mind" I heard Jo say. "Babe, I didn't mean it like that and you know it" I said. "MIkey, babe, you're just tired and so am I. We just need to go sleep while Emma is." She said. She didn't blow up? Wow. "We'll go then" the guys said. We all said our goodbyes and we went upstairs to sleep.


Oh look another update :) enjoy x

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