City of Angels

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We arrived at the house and Dean just sat there with the engine still running.

"Um... Dean? Are we going to go or...?" I ask, a bit worried. He sighed and turned off the car.

"Gabriel, stay in the car."

"Was planning on it." Dean got out and I heard Sam sigh. "Is this about you know what?" Sam looked at Gabriel who had a completely serious face and nodded. I frowned.

"Is there something you guys aren't telling me?"

"It's nothing you should worry about Damen." Sam said smiling, but it was fake. He got out of the car and I just sighed.

"Why am I here...? Why am I with the most wanted people among the whole damn supernatural community...? What did I even get myself into...?" I put my head in my hands, groaning a little. "This is crazy... I'm crazy. I'm not ready... I could get them hurt... Fuck..." I felt a hand on my shoulder and immediately jumped instinctively. I looked up at Gabriel, accidentally looking into his eyes and all of my worry seemed to wash away.

"Try not to worry so much, okay? If it gets too bad they know how to handle it." He smiled a little. "And, try not to look into my eyes so much. You could look at my nose or in between my eyebrows if you have to." He looked away so I could control myself again and nodded. "Go on. You need some training." I jumped out of the car and started up the driveway where Sam and Dean were waiting.

"What took you so long?" I frown at Dean and carefully look through the window.

"Gabriel had to convince me to go, again." I say in a low whisper. "Shit..."

"What?" I sigh and shake my head at the scene.

"This guy's brother, friend or boyfriend, I can't tell, was turned into finger paint..."

"Son of a bitch... That means he's already turned." I looked closer and saw a figure approaching the window. I quickly move out of the way and grab onto Sam's hand for support.

"He's at the window..." I whisper. I looked over to the Impala almost longingly, just wishing I was sitting in there and not standing out here, heart pounding, on an adrenaline high. I looked back around the corner to the window and was met with the wrinkled face of our Rugaru.

Everything seemed to happen so slowly. He reached through the window and grabbed me by my throat, pulling me inside and throwing me across the room. I hit the wall so hard it gave me whiplash and I groaned. Dean was the first one to come barging in, drop kicking him through a table. Sam followed soon after Dean, running up to me.

"Hey! Are you okay?!"

"I guess he was still at the window..." I say breathlessly. Sam quickly helps me up just in time for him to be body slammed by Dean who was thrown. "Sam! Dean!" I quickly unsheathed my sword, trying to buy them time to compose themselves. The man comes running after me, face wild with hunger. I quickly shove the sword into his heart, trying to slow him down. He stops for a moment and growls, grabbing my shoulder and popping it out of place. I just felt a white hot pain searing all over my right shoulder and fell to my knees, gritting my teeth. I was in so much pain I couldn't even make a sound or even move.

Dean then threw himself at the man, but was thrown once again across the room. I looked over at Sam and it looked like he had twisted his leg from landing at a weird angle trying to catch Dean. The man grabbed my neck and threw me up against the wall, snarling. I clawed at his hand, desperately trying to breathe. "You're going to be a tasty snack." Before he could do anything else, I passed out.

Sam's POV

"You're going to be a tasty snack."

"Damen!" I shouted, but he had passed out from the lack of oxygen. The Rugaru almost took a bite out of his neck when his clothes slowly started to change. I frowned and looked over to Dean who looked surprised. I looked back over to him.

His Chuck Taylor's turned into dress shoes and his normal jeans had turned into black slacks, following his olive green jacket that turned into a black vest and a white button up shirt. It even seemed as though his normal dark brown hair turned jet black.

Then it slid down his arm into his hand, an angel blade. He shoved it right into the Rugaru's side and suddenly opened his eyes. They were an electric blue instead of their normal greenish hazel color. He placed a hand on its arm.

"Ialpon." (Pronounced: Gon un ur mals med drux. This is basically letter by letter pronunciation.) It burst into flames and let go of him, trying to get to the fire to go out. He fell neatly onto his feet and grabbed the fallen angel blade. Once the Rugaru finally stopped burning, he stood up straight.

"D-Damen?" I managed to choke out in my pained state. He looked over to me and there was nothing in his eyes. It was all just empty, no emotion. He quickly looked away though.


"Heal them please Damen." He frowned.

"Why can't you?"

"I want to see how far you already are." He nodded and walked over to Dean, barely touching him. Dean slowly stood up with a face of horror and surprise. Damen walked over to me next, doing the same thing and my leg was fine. I stood up shakily. "I see. You aren't just a normal angel. You're a Seraphim." Gabriel held out his hand. "Let me see your hand." Before he could take one step, he fell into my arms, his clothes and hair going back to normal. I slowly set him on the ground and as soon as I did, he took one large breath in. He gripped onto my jacket and tried to get a grip on reality. After a few more breaths he looked up at me with a frown. Looking around his frown deepened and so did Dean's. He finally laid his eyes back onto mine.

"Did you take care of it? Are you guys okay? You guys looked like you saw something you shouldn't have." I looked over at Gabriel who had a small smile and I looked back to Damen.

"Job's done."

And Who Might You Be?Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin