Chapter one

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Kitannas POV

(Hiding in their room from their abusive father)
Silent tears stream down both Kitarra and my face. When will it be over is all I thought as I heard my mother plead for him to stop. Stop what? Stop abusing them.
I looked over at Kitarra when the door knob turned. Mom poked her head out the door. "Pack some clothes into your backpacks with your books and grab your money no questions asked as soon as I say to, jump out your window and run as far as you can I love you my babies" with that she closed the door leaving us confused, but we did what we were told and stood by the window and waited. Seconds later mom came into the room and handed us a hundred dollars kissed us on our for heads and told us to jump. Jump out the window and run is all that went through my mind. Not to mention keeping Kitarra safe I may only be ten minutes older, but that doesn't mean I won't act like I'm ten years older. "Tanner we should find somewhere to sleep for the night it's getting dark" Kitarra said . "You are right hmm......look that alleyway looks like an OK place to stay for the night" I said pointing "Yeah let's go" she replied. As we sat down on two boxes trying to get comfortable Kitarra looked up. "Tanner do you ever think we will find a real family?" She questioned " I don't know but I sure do hope so!" I answered giving her a small smile. We sat in a comfortable silence for awhile before mumbling good nights and drifting off to dreamland where we are happy and healthy with friends and family. Oh how I wish it was true.

Kitarra POV
I woke up confused as to why I was sleeping in a box. Then all memories from last night hit me. I looked in my bag a grabbed the phone Tanner and I share 11:30am we should get something to eat.
"Tanner get up we need food" I yelled and shook my sister awake
"Okay okay I'm up" she groaned
We grabbed the money and our bags and headed out to find something to eat. We decided it would be smarter to get boxed foods from the grocery store instead of fast food so we walked into the store and grabbed granola bars, cookies, and other snacks as well as some fruits after paying we had 75$ we shoved the rest of the money in our bags and headed to the near by park seeing as it would be weird if we just walked the streets. We spent all day at the park and soon it was getting dark( A/N hey that rhymed) We ate fruit for dinner and decided to get some ice cream hey what can I say we are twelve. After getting our ice cream we walked back to the alleyway only to find our boxes gone along with everything else in the alleyway. Before we could turn around buff arms came around our waists and our mouths stopping us from screaming, but also making us drop our ice cream GOD DAM IT. As we struggled against the men knowing they were drunk and horny realization found us and we both kicked them where the sun don't shine. Just as they were about to jump on us 4 men ran in and shot them right in crouch OH THAT'S GONNA LEAVE A MARK. After watching them shot the guys I realized we should get out of there so I gave Tanner the look that said 'SHIT DID YOU SEE THAT LETS GET OUT OF HERE' as we turned to run yet again two buff arms rapped around our waists, but this time leaving our mouths free. After many minutes of us yelling, pleading, begging, crying, and kicking the men to let us go we finally gave up. One of them had left to call their boss, but the rest just talked quietly. I looked up to Tanner with tears in her eyes and wished I could save her, but you and I both know I couldn't and that killed me. After minutes of quietly sniffling a black Tesla pulled up at the side of the road stepping out of that car came Mr.Fancypants .Aka a man with spiky black hair and bright blues wearing a tuxedo. He walked over to me in the buff guys arms. "Hello princess what is your name" he asked lifting my chin. I stayed silent cause I was too scared to talk. He looked at me with Aw and love? In his eyes I was beyond confused " Aw are you shy princess??" He asked still staying silent I turned my head to the side to see my sister staring at me and after she forced out a smile to me I broke into a crying mess. Why us? Why now? Why here? Why them?
Hey Erbody it is I anyway u like???

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