Chapter Two

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Kitannas POV
After Tarra broke out into tears I couldn't help but let a few slip from my eyes to this has to be the worst night ever. After a couple minutes Kitarra went back to sniffling. Mr.Fancypants walked up to me in the mans arms. "How about I give you a deal princess if I let you go to your sister then you have to talk" he smiled. I thought about it and nodded my head "yes, deal" I muttered. The man holding me put me down as well as the man holding Kitarra. Tarra legit ran into my arms in a giant bear hug. She started crying and I did what any older sister would do I hugged her and told her everything was going to be OK even though I had no clue if that was true or not I needed to give her hope. Me being slightly taller than her helped me give her a great bear hug.

Travis POV
Awe was all I thought as I watched the taller one of the twins calm the shorter one. It was so cute, but it made me sad that I was the one who made them cry like this. Lucas and Blake(the men who were holding the girls looked at me pleading with their eyes to let them adopted the girls) I just glared they are MINE no one else's but mine. The girl I made the deal with took the others hand and smiled before saying "okay you completed your part of the deal now for us to complete ours" in a whisper her curly hair hang around her face blocking her eyes from me.
After she said that everyone's heart broke it was as if she had been in this situation before. I quickly shook that feeling off before getting down to their level(being 6'8 and them looking around 5'7-5'9) "well it is quite cold so why don't we go to my home and chat there" I said only to realize his creepy that sounded. I led them to my Tesla model X (a safe family car) and opened the back door for them to climb in. After they were seated I turn on some music and sat in the drivers seat and Kevin, Lucas, Blake, and Philip climbed into the back. Then I drove to my gang house. When I looked up into the mirror I saw that both the twins were fast asleep how cute. Blake and Lucas got the twins out the car, but as soon as they put them on the couch the girls woke staring at each other then back at me. "Okay now questions are you ready?" I asked to which they responded with a nod.
Kitarra POV
"What are your full names nicknames and how old are you, also what are your favorite colours?" he asked behind him were many men,but I choose to ignore them
"I'm Kitanna or Tanner for short my full name is Kitanna Sapphire River Woods, I'm twelve, my favorite colours are teal, pink, and yellow" Tanner spoke first
"I'm Kitarra or Tiara for short my full name is Kitarra Emerald Ocean Woods and I am also Twelve, and my favorite colours are teal, sliver, and yellow" I whispered
After about ten more basic questions and them learning our situation Travis or Tra as we like to call him decided that he was going to adopt us. Well this is gonna be fun!(note the possible sarcasm). After talking a little more we learned that Tra is the gangleader of The Assassins the most feared gang in the country. We also met a lot of the other gang members, but my favorite is Lucas he was the man who was holding me and I think that Blake is Tanners favorite for the same reason.
Travis POV
I showed the twins their new rooms that were right next to each other which they loved, but they seemed kinda sad they wouldn't share a room I sent them off to bed after giving them their new phones which was a bad idea they were up until 11:30 that night. I took a shower and put on some PJ pants and climbed into bed smiling to myself I love my new princesses, but there is something they aren't telling me about the burns and cuts all over their bodies and I have a strange feeling they are from their dad, but they will tell me when they are ready plus I won't let anyone hurt them ever again. That was the last thought I hand before drifting off into a dreamless sleep(unlike the twins).
Lucas POV
I woke to quiet sobs from a cross the hall and known that it was Kitarra. I jumped out of bed and opened the door only to be faced with a shaking Kitarra sitting up in her bed. I walked over and pulled her into me and hugged her tight she later fell asleep and I tucked her in leaving the room with a full head of questions. Why was she sobbing? What happened in her past? And why is she so Fu- Fudging cute. Gotta work on the swearing with the girls around.
Hello Erbody it is I once more so.... QUEST QUE VOUS PENESE??(WHAT DID YOU THINK?)

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