Chapter Twelve

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(A/N yo peeps I decided to give you guys songs of the chapter! and lowkey this is my favorite song ever! I'd Rather Drown by SET IT OFF)

Kitanna POV

Bang! Bang! Crash! Bang! Boom!

I woke up to the sound of  gunshots, 

WAIT, WHAT!????!

Gunshots? Fuck! I rolled off f my bed and grabbed my phone (a/n phone=life) and my gun and Tarras gun (^ Kitannas is the brown one and Kitarras is the red and black one) then I tip toed to Kitarras room to see her still sleeping. Damn this girl can sleep. I walked over to her and shook her awake. After awhile her eyes opened and she looked at me holding her gun out for her confused until she heard one of the gunshots and grabbed the gun out of my hand.

"What the hell is happening Tan?" She whispered to me as she got up from under her covers.

"I'm not sure, but let's go check it out ! Keep your eyes peeled Tar" I replied and she gave me a short nod as a response. We walked slowly to her door and I peeked out into the hallway and gave  Tarra the all clear signal. We began to walk out into the  hallway and down the stairs where the noises were coming from. As we continued to walk down the stairs we heard yelling, it sounded like dad yelling. I shared a 'The Fuck?' look with Kitarra and we began walking towards the yelling. 

We soon came to dads office where the yelling was the loudest. I slowly turned to knob while Tarra cocked her gun ready to shot. 

When I opened the door and stepped in side I saw dad in his office chair and uncle Blake and Lucas behind him with 6 buff guys surrounding him. They looked angry, very angry.  The door squeaked when it closed and all of a sudden 9 pairs of eyes were on us and our guns. I shared a glance at Tarra and we lowered our guns, not putting the safety lock on just yet as there were 6 strangers in the room.

"um... dad what's going on?" Kitarra asked our dad slowly edging toward me.

"Yeah.. um we heard gun shots" I added on suddenly feeling unconfortable from all the eyes on us.

"Um... well" Dad hesitated before uncle  Blake and Lucas interrupted him by running up to us and giving us bear hugs. Kitarra returned the hug from them both, but I just stood there awkwardly and patted their backs, If you couldn't tell I don't like affection at all.

"We are so so, so, so sorry!!!" They both cried staring at us with tear filled eyes.

"S- sorry for what?" I asked hesitantly. Uncle Lucas and Blake are usually stone-cold killers who show no emotion so something had to be wrong if they were acting like this.

"I- I- I- I-" Dad stuttered, his eyes filling with guilt.

"They've decided that they'll let us take you instead of taking the drugs they owe us" On of the buff guys with black spikey hair and piercing green eyes said nonchalantly.

"Oh" was all I could get to come out of my mouth. My father rather give up his two daughters rather then his drugs, that's lovely. I mean we aren't his biological kids, but still.  

"So.. when will we be leaving?" Tarra asked her eyes turning from their natural grey-ish teal to fully grey. Great her walls are up, from now on she won't show her emotions. (The twins eye colours change when their walls are up and they don't show their emotions)

"Now." The man on the other mans left said.

"Okay we will just go get packed then" I said as Kitarra and  I turned and walked out of the office before being stopped by the black haired green eyed man.

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