Date With Death

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Ribiscus' POV

Let's cut to chase, k? I can see everyone's death date. I just look over their head, it's floating there. Now it's story time.

I walk down the street, seeing everyone's death date. I actually can't see my own.

I try not to cry as I see a five-year-old pass by who's death date is today in exactly five minutes.

I see an elderly woman hugging a child, and her death date is a week exactly.

I close my eyes, calm down. I've been dealing with this for 16 years and it still bothers me. It's worse that I live in Sans Fransisco because there are so many people here.

I keep walking until I reach the park. I sit down on a park bench and start reading. I don't even notice the girl reading next to me. Time to reread Percy Jackson again, I brought the first four books.

I read for a few hours and then hear an exclaim. I look up, and see a girl next to me.

"Sorry," she apologized. "Didn't realize you ever sat down. I was reading this book that was seven in one, then I finshed...." She trails off. I instantly know I like her. "Sorry, I'm rambling. My name is T," she extends her hand.

"I'm Ribiscus." I shake her hand.

"Guess you got stuck with a weird name, too." T laughs.

"Yep, that's why you said you name was T?" I ask.

"Tempest," she says and rolls her eyes.

I just then notice her dear date. Tomorrow.

I can't let this happen. I love her. Wait? I do? I guess I've never even liked another human being before. I have to save her.

"Listen, Tempest. Can I tell you something I never have told anyone before?" I ask.

"Ok!" She replies cheerfully.

"Don't think I'm crazy or making something up. Please, just believe me," I tell her. She nods her head. "I can see everyone's death date, but my own."

"Really? Me too!" Tempest replies.

"What?" I ask, I was not expecting that. "Listen, your date is tomorrow."

"Uhh, Ribiscus. Yours is tomorrow too." T responds. I am shocked.

"We need to stop this!" I exclaim.

"You know we can't. I've tried, dear dates don't change," T said.

"I know. Ok let's meet tomorrow same place at 8:00 AM. At least we will die together," I tell her.

"Ok," she agrees.

She shows up right on time at the park bench. We sit and wait together. Then I see a man coming. She doesn't even flinch as a bullet goes through her body. I close my eyes and feel a bullet rip through my chest, then there's nothing.

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