Talking Back Part 3

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I'm sorry, I am little piece of potato. It took me way to long to update. I feel so evil, anyway, I have written more.
Donna's POV

I'm shocked as the words come out of his mouth. I know I have to say something, but I can't seem to find a way to think back to him. Finally, I manage to think, "Yes, I like you too."

"Oh good," he thinks back automatically. "Well, are you doing anything Friday night?"

"No, you have anything in mind?" I asked.

"We could go see Antman and the Wasp, or Jurassic World, or whatever else you like." Killian thought to me.

"I'd like to see Antman and the Wasp, I'm a pretty hard core Marvel fan," I answered.

"Me too, I could give you a run for your money," Killian thought.

"I doubt it," I replied. We had a conversation about nothing and everything for the rest of class. I'm so excited for Friday.

    My thoughts are only on Friday through the rest of class, until I hear it. The one sound that will completely alter and ruin my world. A single gun shot.
    I whip my head around and see a student holding a gun. His eyes look wild and desperate.
     "Who's next? Who else wants to die like this trash of a person?!?" He screams.
     "He was an amazing person!" I yell out, unable to hold back. He-he just killed Killian. Right in front of me.
     "Are you the volunteer," he asks.
     "N-no, please. He was, he was all I had. He was everything to me, and he's gone. I-I can't," I'm silenced by another gun shot going off. I billet pierces my chest and I collapse to the ground, then the world goes dark.

     Sorry guys, turns out I'm horrible at writing romance so I just killed them off. Don't hate me, and sorry I haven't written recently, I've been super busy. Write ya later!

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