the chapter on which; they meet again¹

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nervous about this one y'all... idk, it's different, hazhaz. let me know what you think :> ps, it's a long one


"Oh. By the way, mum, dad, I got the part." I say casually as I helped mum clear out breakfast, weirdly causing my dad to choke on his water. "Really?!" Mum asks way way way more enthusiastically than I was and I expect her to be. "That's great, Lili!" Dad smiles hugging me. "Yeah, I guess." I chuckle. "Why aren't you happy, love? You should have told us earlier, we could have headed out." Mom asks looking at me. "I forgot." I say. "And I'm happy, I'm fine, it's just a TV show, acting." I shrug them sharing a look. "What?" I laugh. "Our girl has grown up!" Dad exclaims hugging me again me flinching as mom joined in. "Mhm, I love you guys too." I mutter.

"Writer RAS." I say as we shook hands only now meeting again since auditions. "Sprouse." He smiles. "I thought we were filming in Vancouver, why call us here in NY?" I ask clutching my coffee in one hand earphones down. "Chemistry check, my boy. Head in to the lounge, I'll tell you kids more later." He says patting my back. "Kids?" I chuckle walking to the direction he said. "Hey." Someone speaks as I enter a room of humans seemingly aged college students- newly graduates, my presence was first noticed by a dark skin toned, girl by the coffee machine. "Cole Sprouse." A raven haired girl smiles followed by brown haired guy. "Camila Mendes, I went to the same University as you. I'll be playing Veronica Lodge." She confidently says letting out her hand me kindly shaking it. "Casey Cott, I'll be doing Kevin Keller, you?" The he smiles. "Jughead Jones." I say. "I'm Ashleigh Murray, Josie McCoy." The lady by the coffee machine smiles me nodding. "Cool, only us four?" I ask confused on how small the cast was. "If you're Jughead, who'll be playing Archie?" Casey asks. "KJ Apa, at your service gang." A guy exclaims entering the room making me chuckle.

"When will you start filming?" Mum asks dad in the living room by now. "Not till next month, but according to the email I received, chemistry and sh*t starts today till the week after the next." I shrug. "What?! Why are you still here then?" Mum asks out loud. "It said we aren't required to be there till next month." I exclaim in defense mum just giving me a look. "Soon, I will. I promise!" I say. "A week max." I add her nodding.

"Isn't there a blonde, girl next door character? Why isn't anyone blonde here?" I ask. "Yeah, Rob, where's Polly?" KJ asks. "I said it was optional if you wanted to come or not." He shrugs. "We're checking on chemistry, right?" I ask again. "And she's supposed to be the one I'll be with in the show, she should be here, Roberto." I say kindly the others nodding. "I'll contact her later." Roberto says. "Or I can call her now." KJ offers. "Are you guys close or something?" Camila asks. "A friend of a friend, now a friend of mine." He shrugs in reply. "Oh, call her then." Casey says KJ standing to call her.

"Mhmm, who's that?" Dad asks all of us in the living room now. "A friend, he was casted too." I say answering the call. "KJ, good morning." I pick up. "Polly, Pauline." He answers. "Why aren't you here?" He asks. "Because, I'm back here in my state, and not New York?" I answer sarcastically not daring to look at my parents. "Your partner wants to meet you." He answers. "And he is?" I ask. "Hmm, you'll have to come to know." He answers making me groan. "Tell him to suck it up and wait then." I answer making him laugh. "I'll let him know, fine." He comments. "Tell him when you're coming!" Mum mouths giving her a thumbs up. "When should we expect you?" He asks. "I'll be there this week, I don't exactly know when... Yet." I say. "Alright, I'll call again. See you soon!" He says me later ending the call.

"What? I love Ohio." I pout making my dad laugh. "Cleveland represent!" He exclaims making mum and I laugh. "Your partner will be needing you for chemistry check though." Mum says. "Let him need me, I don't even know him yet." I shrug.

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