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"Mom?" I said once more, almost shouting

I hadn't seen my mother in over three months, I was hoping it was going to stay that way. What is she doing here? How dare she show up here? She has no right.

"Who is it?" I heard Nicole shout from the bathroom upstairs. She had been taking a shower for ages and hadn't seen me since I had stormed in.

"Nicole. I need to speak with you!" My mother shouted as she invited herself inside

"Nice to see you too mom" I said sarcastically as I closed the door and watched her sit down on the couch in the living room

Nicole ran down the stairs in her blue pajama bottoms and t-shirt, her blonde wet hairs were tied up in a messy know. Obviously, she was just as shocked by our mother’s sudden appearance as I was. Nicole would have never invited her without telling me before. Both of us saw eye-to-eye about my mother. One, she made us angry. Two, we wished she would change. Three, we knew she probably wouldn't.

"Hi mom. What are you doing here?" Nicole said as she walked towards her and sat down besides her on the other side of the couch.

"I'm still allowed to come see my daughters aren't I? It's not like you two were going to invite me over yourselves but then again I am used to having inconsiderate daughters"

"You haven't spoken to me in months. Did you really expect me to invite you over after what happened?" I tried to keep my tone neutral. I really didn't want this to turn into a big drama scene, but she had been her for five minutes maximum and was already pissing me off.

"You know, you could call your mother once in a while" she said tearfully

"Sorry mom, we've been really busy lately" Nicole said sarcastically

"Come on Melissa, sit down with us. We need to talk." My mother said

I sat down besides her. I wanted to hear what she had to say.

"Why did you come over mom?" I asked

"Oh come on, you didn't think I was going to forget did you?" she laughed "I know you girls don't think very highly of me but I am and always will be a good mother to you two."

Nicole frowned at me. What the hell is she going on about? There was a short silence. I scratched the back of my neck and looked at my mother once more.

"You're turning 17 next week darling." My mother smiled at me as if I was a small child and she had just given me an ice cream "Did you forget?"

Oh god. Please, I was hoping she had forgotten.

I should probably explain this one as well. For the past 16 years of my life, my mother and father have been mushing together my birthday with Easter. For my last birthday, they gave me diamond earrings. Yes, DIAMOND earrings. I was squealing with happiness, until I found out they were shaped as a chick and a bunny. My entire life I have been given Easter presents for my birthday, it came to a point where I hated celebrating my birthday with my family.

"Oh course not." I fake smiled, trying to sound as excited as I could. She made me feel sad, lonely and angry all at the same time.

"Good" she said as she wiped her eyes and started bustling around with the packages I had only just noticed she had brought with her.

"Your father and I will be in Madrid next week so I have your present with me. Here it is" She muttered as she handed me a tiny package.

I got real busy unwrapping the box. Inside the brown wrapper was another box, this one wrapped in beautiful lavender paper. I uncovered a smooth white box. Curiosity completely killing me I opened the box. I brushed bits of paper away and sucked in a shocked breathe. Lying in white cotton was the most beautiful silver bracelet I had ever seen. I picked it up, oohing and aahing at the twinkling charms. There were tiny stars hanging off the bracelet. Laughing to myself I turned it around to let the sunlight reflect off it.

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