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My birthday is in five days. Never ever in my entire life have I not looked forward to a birthday, I was always excited as to what Jackie or Christian or Nicole would do for me. This year however, I’m not excited at all.

Zayn is gone. He’s currently in some random area in America performing to thousands of teenage girls who would do anything to get him. I was pretending not to care. Deep down inside I was dying of heart-break over the fact that him and Perrie were official. It was all over the papers, she even went out to see him in New York. I couldn’t believe it when I heard, after I saw the article I ran to my room and cried for the second time that day. The first having been because the baby wouldn’t stop kicking and I couldn’t sleep.

I really need to focus on my baby. I only have one month left and I haven’t bought a single piece of furniture for him. Jackie and I went to the store yesterday but I had no idea what I wanted to buy for him.

As the apartment only has two rooms the baby will have to stay with me. It would make things a lot easier if I had to get him at night, I could just turn over and take him out of his crib. I was really looking forward to meeting my son.

I had decided to continue with my school work. I already had my GCSE’s from last year but I had always wanted to do A-Levels. The baby would be here at the start of the summer, I would have until September to catch up on work and I MIGHT be able to join my classmates in Year 12. Nicole had contacted the school and they had said I would need to study everything I had missed and take exams to get back into the school.

To be honest, I was feeling extremely lonely lately. I had been at home for 4 months. That’s like an extra long summer. I wanted to get back to school but I wasn’t allowed until the baby was born.

“I’m home!” I heard Nicole scream, followed by the door slamming shut.

I opened my eyes and found myself in my bedroom. Oh yeah, that’s where I was. I wasn’t sure how long I had been daydreaming for. I really had to pee. Like, really badly. I walked over to the bathroom, holding on to the sides of the walls for support. This baby wouldn’t stop kicking.

I was humming while I sat there peeing, it sounds really awkward for me to be talking about this but I need to tell you all the details for you to understand what happened. I felt a pop in my stomach, something inside of me burst. Only then I noticed I wasn’t peeing. My water had just broken.

My eyes widened and I began to panic. I got up from the toilet, shoved my clothes back on and ran downstairs. Yes, I am severely pregnant but I still managed to run.

“CHRIS! NICOLE!” I screamed as I reached the living room. “THE BABY IS COMING!”

Chris and Nicole were in the living room in seconds, their eyes were wide with shock and fear.

“Oh shit. Hospital. Right now. Okay” Chris began to mumble to himself. He fiddled around in his pockets for a while, desperate to find his car keys. He handed them over to Nicole and picked me up from the floor bridal-style.

Nicole ran upstairs, I wasn’t sure why, and Chris carried me into the elevator across the hall from our apartment. We had to go down all the way to the garage. It seemed like forever until I heard the stupid elevator make that beeping noise. God I hate slow elevators.

“It’s going to be alright.” Chris murmured as he carried me to the car. I was so grateful I had him and Nicole with me at a time like this.

Chris buckled my seatbelt up and got into the driver’s seat. When I looked up, Nicole was sitting next to him with a massive bag on her lap and a phone to her ear.

“I want Jackie.” I shouted as my first ever contraction hit me. I tried to catch my breath before I spoke, and the first time I tried to speak no words were coming out of my mouth, nothing was working not even my tears, I couldn’t even cry!

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