Chapter 4: Lost in Thought

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In the locker room, Cassandra began placing all her personal gear into her gym bag

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In the locker room, Cassandra began placing all her personal gear into her gym bag. She was getting all her belongings together to leave the Decca League Stadium. Sumi was getting her Decca armor evaluated by the stadium's personnel, so Cassandra didn't have the opportunity to congratulate her on her victory. Besides the last thing on Cassandra's mind was talking to anyone in the Decca tournament. Even though she felt better after what her father told her, she still felt embarrassed for zoning out during her match with Kaito.

As Daru, Sarafina, Cassandra and her father hop in Mr. Zyta's hover car, Cassandra takes one last look at the tournament stadium. The stadium lights shined brightly as she can hear the crowd go wild again.

"Awesome!" Daru yells out as he lifts his eyes to see Cassandra with a sad expression on her face. "Oh. I'm sorry Cassandra. It's just I'm... I'm watching the rest of the tournament... and..." He points to his tablet where he was watching the next match between two different Decca fighters with his headphones on.

"It's ok..." Cassandra lowers her eyes and shakes her head. She quickly opens the door to the car and gets in. Daru felt a bit guilty after breaking the awkward silence. Daru and Sarafina still didn't know exactly why Cassandra didn't win her match.

Sarafina looks a Daru with menacing eyes. "Way to go, idiot." After saying that to Daru she also got in the car. Daru sighed realizing he messed up, big time.

The drive back home was a bit silent. Daru was still watching the tournament but he was curious to what went wrong with Cassandra's match. He took a look first at her father. Mr. Zyta knew that Daru wanted to say something to Cassandra who was in the front seat. Mr. Zyta and Daru now lock eyes through Mr. Zyta's rear view mirror. Cassandra's father begins shaking his head a bit while he looked at Daru. "I better keep my mouth shut." After seeing Mr. Zyta do that, Daru knew that it was a bad time to try and get any information from Cassandra about her match. He went back to looking at the tournament on his tablet.

Sarafina also remained quiet. She knew that Mr. Zyta and Cassandra had already talked it out and hopefully with time everything would be alright. Sarafina just hoped for the best for her good friend. She worried about Cassandra but she was hopeful that with time Cassandra would be back to her old normal self. However, normal wasn't really something Cassandra was feeling especially after her sister's disappearance. Cassandra closed her eyes, all she wanted to do was sleep and for at least a second forget about her match, about Cassidy's disappearance and about Decca.

Mr. Zyta had his hover car on auto-pilot while he studied an electronic display panel in front of him trying to map out a proper course to get back home. He was a bit frustrated. He knew that every time they needed to return from a Decca League Tournament, they would have to face really bad traffic. Mr. Zyta began mutter some words, talking to himself, as he looked forward trying to get a good look at the traffic ahead. "...must be some sort of accident." He sighed and continued. "It's 2285 and we still can't get better roadways. This is ridiculous." For awhile he'd noticed that cars on the road we're not moving.

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