Chapter 5: A New Challenger Emerges

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Cassandra still couldn't sleep

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Cassandra still couldn't sleep. She had tucked the teleport card back into her deck and placed the deck back on her nightstand. She turned off the bedside lamp.

"I'm tired, but I don't feel like sleeping. This is so annoying."

She thought that maybe by turning the lights off, eventually she would end up falling asleep. She tossed and turned in her bed, getting herself tangled up in her bed sheets. She tried so hard, but she could not quiet down all the thoughts in her head. She closed her eyes shut, but to no avail, she didn't feel like sleeping yet.

Cassandra kept thinking now in the dark about the day Cassidy had her first Decca match with someone she had just met at their local Decca gym. This was the first time Cassidy had ever went against someone that wasn't her younger sister. From that point on Cassandra had noticed Cassidy's true fighting style and how much potential she really had.

She thought of that Saturday morning and how excited Cassidy was to finally be able to try out the Decca gym for herself.

Cassidy quietly entered Cassandra's room, trying not to make a sound. In one swift motion, Cassidy removes Cassandra's blanket and moves her face closer to hers. "Come on, let's go Cassandra! Today is the day!"

Cassandra was tired that morning but she knew how eager Cassidy was to go. She knew how much her older sister really wanted to battle in a real, somewhat decent Decca arena.

"Wait... Wait Cassidy!" Cassandra stuck her hand out in Cassidy's face as she was lying in bed while Cassidy was trying to wake her up.

"What? What's wrong?" Cassidy looked at her all confused but with a smile on her face.

"Did you even brush your teeth this morning? ...oh man, your breath stinks so much!" Cassandra waved her hand around and covered her nose trying to get the smell away from her face.

"uhmm, no sorry, I didn't." Cassidy smiled even more. "Ha ha, I was so excited to wake you up that I hadn't gotten around to it yet." Cassandra remembered that that was the start of her day. She was tired and frustrated that she had to wake up to Cassidy's bad morning breath but she got up for her sister, to make her happy.

"Eww gross! Get out of my room! DAAAAD!!" Cassandra grabbed her pillow and covered her face with it. Cassidy stepped out of her room to get ready for the day.

Cassandra and Cassidy stepped out of their home and began walking towards the Decca gym. The gym wasn't too far from where they lived. Hover cars would speed down the road as they walked from block to block. The streets of the Solar Colony, the colony they live in, was clean due to how prosperous the colony was. It was the capital of Saturn after all, where the Saturn government resides. It was a perfectly safe neighborhood. That's why Mr. Zyta had let them walk to the gym on their own. Cassandra could remember how anxious Cassidy was to finally get there.

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