Stop the Hate

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Hey guys. I'm normally a pretty happy and chill person but I do to talk about something serious. I love Wattpad, I have loved being on Wattpad and writing on Wattpad since my friends introduced me to it a few years ago. I know that you guys love it too. Wattpad is a sight where authors can write and share their stories and creativity in a safe environment and receive feedback from people who have a love and appreciation of reading.

Unfortunately it hasn't always been safe. A while back I was on a fellow Wattpader's page and I saw some truly hateful and hurtful comments just flooding her message board. I understand that Wattpad is a site for novice writers but that is no reason to be so cruel to another human being.

I know everyone has dealt with bullying at some point in their life. Even I was bullied when I was a little kid and I know that it really sucks. I consider Wattpad a safe and bully-free space so learning otherwise was heartbreaking, especially as a writer because writers put a lot of themselves into what they write. Please don't bully people, it's not cool and honestly its really hurtful to the person on the receiving. I know the internet can make it feel like that you aren't really talking to a real person but you arm and those comments can cause real pain to real people.

Another thing to take a note of it that emotions are harder to comprehend over the internet and things can be misinterpreted. So reread your comments before posting them, and if you receive a comment that seems hurtful instead of retaliating take a moment and explain in a clear and polite way how the comment was hurtful because maybe that person did not mean for his or her comment to come off in such a way.

Lastly, critics. I know that Wattpad has a lot of book critics but there is a difference from being a critic and just being mean and rude and calling yourself a critic. If you just don't like a book and you don't have anything nice or helpful to say to the author then you do not have to read that book.

As for writers, look I know it's hard and you put a lot of yourself into your writing but you can not take everything said to heart. There will be people who don't like your writing that is just a part of life. There will be people who will correct every spelling and grammar mistake you make, I know I've had it done to me, just let it go. There are going to be hateful comments directed at the characters of the book, take that as a compliment because that means you've got them invested and into your book. But as a writer you cannot take every not so nice thing to heart. The world is filled with bullies and critics and not so nice people and if you're going to post something for the world to see then you have to be willing to accept that not every comment will be pleasant. 

Please follow @Anabelle_Marie_Evans and show your support for fighting against bullying on Wattpad.

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