Dating Richie would include

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-being the dirty couple of the group
-dirty jokes
-"What's up Rich?"
-"If I told what's up would you sit on it?"
-wink wonk
-lots of ass grabbing
-kissing you in public
-"go get a room"
-"go get a girlfriend"
-cheesy pick up lines
-"your lips look lonely, would they like to meet mine?" ;)
-"oH mY g0d dO YOu eVeR stOp TalKinG"
-Trying to impress you
-and failing miserably
-stealing his big ass glasses
-and his hawaiian shirts
-Showing you off
-roasting each other
-he also stares at you a lot
-its kinda creepy
-"what are you staring at?"
-"idk, something ugly"
-"bitch I ain't no mirror."

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