Sweater Weather // Jaeden Lieberher

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(A/n: I'm sorry if it sucks)

You stood in front of the mirror, tugging and pulling at your outfit for your date with Jaeden, when he asked you out 3 days ago. You met Jaeden 7 months ago, your friend Wyatt started taking pictures of him on set and you caught a huge crush on him instantly, so when he asked you out you couldn't hide from the butterflies that have invaded your stomach that haven't left ever since.

After deliberating with your outfit you finally picked out a maroon sweater, ripped black skinny jeans and white converse and tied your hair up into a pony tail. Finally relatively happy with your look, you lied down on the bed it was 5:44 at least you managed to be ready on time, you flipped through your phone for 15 minutes before right on the spot at 6pm, the doorbell dinged. Sure enough, you opened the door to see that familiar full-lipped smile, you try to stop yourself from staring, but fuck he looks so good, black ripped jeans, white shirt and a loose-fitting jacket, his hair perfect as usual with one little strand resting a top of his forehead, he's even prettier than me.
"You look adorable." He beams leaning in to kiss your cheek, smiling when he sees the blush that crept up to your cheeks. "Do you have a jacket? You might need one, it'll be a bit cold where we're going." "Jaeden, we're in LA." You raised an eyebrow, how could he possibly find somewhere cold, it's not cold out but it's not hot either, just nice.
"Trust me babe, just grab your jacket and you'll find out." He winked, he stands at the door while you grab your jacket and he takes your hand leading you out of the house, "I hope you're not expecting anything fancy, I just thought it would be nice to have fun." He muttered shyly as we walked down the street "Awe Jaeden." You coo a little, because this boy is so fucking adorable, "That sounds perfect actually, I'm not exactly the fancy type of girl anyways." He visibly relaxes when you say, and walked a little faster, you didn't walk for long and it was filled with awkward small talk that encompasses the first 20 minutes of a date, getting settled and asking about each others day and the obligatory speak of the weather. When you finally arrived at the place, he linked his arms with you and lead you through and at your first impression it looked like some kind of indoor carnival of some sort, that's when you noticed that it is considerably colder in here than it is outside, "Jae, what is this place?" You say with a giggle and he smiles widely, pulling you further into the building, as you get closer you can see people moving around, giggling and laughing and some people falling out, "Ice skating!" You squealed, you've never really tried it before but hey it could be fun, he nods and pulled you to the little booth to buy tickets, you reach into your pocket to grab some money but he stops you "Don't worry I got it." He smiled but you shake your head again, "Jaeden, I can pay for myself, I can afford it, I don't want you to think that-" "It's fine, I know you can pay for yourself, but I asked you on a date, so I'm gonna pay for it, you can pay for one that you ask me on," He winks playfully and payed for the both of you, you're given a number so you know when to leave the ice. He gets the right sized skates and finding a place to sit down and put them on, he very kindly crouches down in front of you to get yours laced up, sitting next to you and lacing his up too. Jaeden helps you stand, and you can only assume that you're easily compared to a baby deer trying to walk, stumbling and relying heavily on him to get over to the ice, which he steps onto first, offering out a hand to you, holding both of your hands out in front of him. The first 10 minutes solid are filled with you trying to get stable on the ice, hysterically giggling as you cling onto Jaeden, both of you starting to laugh as he manages to provide enough balance for the two of you, smiling when you squeal and wobble and wrap your arms around him. "OH MY GOD JAEDEN DON'T LET GO!" You giggle and squeal, secretly loving that you get to be this close to him, your arms are practically glued around your waist, it's only a minor thought that this choice of date might well have been intentional to get you this close. "Don't worry I got you." he assured you, holding your hand helping you balance on your feet, Jaeden playfully skates little rings around you, taking your hand and spinning you and smiling when you squeal and make grabby hands at him to keep you steady, with a loud yelp you slip a little, but he rushes forward to catch you, both arms slipping around you to keep you steady, with a loud yelp you slip a little, but he rushes forward to catch you, both arms slipping around you to keep you steady. When you look up, your faces are only a couple of inches apart, a warm, playful little smile on his face, just as he goes to lean in you hear the speaker calling out that it's your number's turn to leave the ice, Jaeden straightens up and smiles a little awkwardly.

"Umm, we should get to the side," He stammers a little nervously, gently helping you upright and helping you move over to the side, guiding you over to sit down and get your skate off, both of you smiling widely, if a little flustered by nearly kissing. He's the perfect gentleman again, helping you get the skates off and taking them back over to the little booth, when he comes back you've just about managed to get your shoes back on, he offers out a hand to help you up.

"Jesus, your hands are freezing, how about we go to get a hot drink and something to eat?" He smiles and pulls you against him, wrapping an arm around your shoulder as you walk, you smiled and nodded as he led the way.

"Here you go." Jaeden smiled handing you the cup of coffee "Thanks" you muttered sipping some of it, humming as you felt the hot liquid slide down your throat. You sat there in silent, but it's not awkward, there's just nothing to talk about "Hey I wanna ask you something." He mumbled shyly scratching the back of his neck "Yeah, what is it?" You asked, He closed his eyes and sighed loudly, "Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked looking down as he said it, you smiled widely, tears brimming my eyes "Yes! Yes!" You squealed jumping into his arms and hugging him tightly, you looked up at him and smiled, he smiled back you leaned in to kiss his cheek but instead, he kissed your lips. Your eyes went wide but kissed back immediately wrapping your arms around his waist and his hands cupping your flushed cheeks, he pulled away looking directly into my eyes smiling, "I love you" he said stroking your cheek softly, you were in shock as you heard him speak those words, his eyes went wide as he realized the words that came out of his mouth, "Um.. I mean- uhh-" he stuttered (bill who) Are you cheesy and pathetic? yes, But are you hopelessly in love with him? Of course, so you cut him off by kissing him, you pulled away looking into his eyes 

"I love you, too."

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