2) Never ending pain

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Jace's pov

I snuggled closer to my wife and brought my head down to her swollen stomach, slowly kissing it. I kissed my way up to my wife's lips, as soon as I got to her lips I pressed a longing kiss to them. After ten seconds I deepened the kiss, sliding my tongue over her lips.

But I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my shoulder, such a strong pain, stronger than one I have ever felt. I brought my hands up to cradle my shoulder as I started screaming, Clary just looked at me until she realised what it meant and at that point she started crying.

I rolled onto the floor writhing in agony, all the things they had said about losing a parabatai was true. It did feel like you lost a part of yourself, part of your souls ripped in two. And slowly Alec's power and energy faded from my pain leaving me in pain and far too alone for someone with their wife next to them.
"Alec..." I whimpered out. "No Alec, what have you done." I did something I hadn't done in years, I cried and cried even when my wife crawled off the bed and hugged me. My crying barely ceased as I got up and stumbled into the bathroom.

Wiping my eyes and fixing my hair, I pulled on some training gear and joggers. I fixed my hair even more and went to the front door. " I'll be home later sweetie." I croaked out, my voice hoarse from the crying. I opened the front door and then closed it behind me. And I ran.

I continued to run, not using a rune, for what seems like hours but in retrospect was only 45 minutes. I ran faster than humanly possible pushing myself so I would feel a pain other than the one on my shoulder and heart. Finally I arrived at Magnus and Alec's apartment, well what used to be theirs. I knocked on the door violently and Magnus opens it looking devastated, he didn't even bother to move from the couch.
"What is it shadowhunter, I am a very busy man and if this is about your wife Clarissa, I swear to my father, you will regret disturbing me." I look around Magnus's ruined apartment, still clutching my chest, the pain increased even more knowing this was once my parabatai's home.
"No it's about Alec," that caught his attention and I saw his tear struck eyes. "Magnus is he here, is that why your house is a mess, did you try to bring him back? Or maybe you don't know where he is. Can you stop this pain, Magnus. Magnus, Magnus say something to me."
Magnus looked at me then slid to the floor. "He's gone." And that was the moment Magnus broke, I felt power surge around me and it scared me. Magnus barely ever lost control. Basically never! "WHERE IS HE!" He screamed at me and I flinched away when I saw blue sparks in his hand.

"I don't... I don't know, all I know is that he can by our house dropped of Max and told us he was going on a mission and that you weren't home." I stopped for a moment to let this sink in and continued "So naturally Clary offered to talk care of him. An hour later I got this pain in my shoulder, right where my parabatai rune was and I couldn't feel Alec's power anymore." I walked towards Magnus. " Please help me look for him."

And that's what we did, for hours we searched the streets of Brooklyn until we came to a body. Another wave of pain hit me when I recognised it with Alec's. Magnus ran forward and hugged the body, not minding the blood on his clothes. "I am so sorry Alexander, I'll clean up, I'll change I swear just come back to me. I love you ! Aku cinta kamu." I stepped away from this private moment but I could still hear Magnus repeating the last line over and over to Alec.

That was the night I lost half my soul, that was the night that a hole the size of China was left in my heart but could never be filled. That was the night I lost myself.
Sorry for such a short chapter, I hope you enjoyed.
Next chapter is going to be Alec's, so get tissues maybe

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