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3rd pov

Alec woke up to the sun shining through an unfamiliar window, surrounded by unfamiliar furniture, in an unfamiliar room.
Alec's head was pounding and his throats was hoarse and so dry.

Memories from last night flooded his head. Magnus on the table dancing, Clary and Jace laughing there heads off in their drunken state, Raphael and Isy... he felt the sudden urge to kill that night child. Right after he figured out where he was.

Alec groaned and rolled over on the bed, covering his face with a pillow to block out the light that was blinding him.

Magnus stood at the door watching his adorable Alexander, roll over and shove his head under a pillow. Cautiously Magnus walked up from the window seat and sat on the bed beside the love of his life. He had pulled the curtain closed before he left it so Alec's eyes could adjust.

"Good morning, my love." Magnus chirped loudly. He heard a grumble from Alec that sound like:
"Too loud."

Magnus chuckled and pulled the pillow away from Alec's face kissing his forehead to relieve the pain, straddling his boyfriend he kissed his cheeks and then his lips, slow and so full of passion.
"Is that better, my love."
"Much, I love you..."
Magnus interrupted what he was saying to respond with.
"I love you too."
"I love you but where are we?" Alec finished.

Magnus hopped off Alec and pulled at his hand directing him to the windowsill. He pulled on the curtain and let Alec marvel in the wonderful new country he was in. "Welcome to Paris. The city of love and expensive baguettes." He kissed Alec's forehead again before walking out and back with a tray, "first we'll have breakfast, then we travel the city and then at 5 pm we have a date at the top of the Eiffel Tower."

"Magnus why are we here?"
"We planned it last night don't you remember?" Magnus asked with a shocked expression, although he knew this conversation hadn't happened.
"No, I don't remember much about last night. Sorry?" He asked as though it were a question.
"It's fine Alexander, but we should get going." Magnus quickly said.
We finished eating our food when Alec walked over to the ledge and looked at the magnificent city and smiled. It was perfect.
And in a moment it was about to be even more perfect because Magnus picked up the little kittens. And Chairman Meow brushed past his leg.
"So Alec wha do you think of these kittens." He passes them all to Alexander and watched his reaction as love crossed his face until he noticed the little bits of paper on their collars. Magnus had made sure to give him the in order so that it read.
"Will... you... marry... me?" Alec looked up tears at his eyes. Magnus past him Chairman Meow who had a box connected to his collar and then got down on one knee.

"Alexander, since the day we met I have been so in love with you, I trusted you from day one. I fell in love with the smile you used only for me or the fact you were so clumsy you fell down the stairs after we kissed. I couldn't believe it when you decided to trust me back, it felt like heaven. Alexander, your the light in my life, your what makes my life worth living and if you would live with me for the rest of it then I would treat you like the king you are. Aku cinta kamu. Will you do me the honour of marrying you and making you mine?" Bye the end Alec had tears streaming down his face and he nodded.
"Yes Magnus. Of course I will." Magnus stood up and cupped Alec's face pulling him closer and kissing him with the fiery passion of a thousand burning suns. The kiss deepened when Alec asks for access with his tongue and Magnus gladly opened his lip. Their tongues fighting for dominance is a dance of wonders.
After a few minutes they broke away, breathless and smiling the brightest smiles possible.
"We're keeping the kittens by the way." Magnus stated.
I hoped you enjoyed this chapter
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I also gave up on my writing schedule, I'm going through something at the moment and I can't be here, not like me
I'm so sorry

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