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Alec had always tried to be the helpful one in his house hold, even as a child. So when Magnus asked him to run a bubble bath for him, it was no surprise when he said yes. There was one problem though, Alec had never made a bubble bath before, that was Magnus's job.

He looked through the cupboards until  "Lollia- Dream- bubble bath" was visible. Picking it up he turned it back and forth in his hand. It seemed a bit feminine for him but this was Magnus we were talking about, he practically screamed "feminine glitter monster." That thought brought a smile to Alec's face, his feminine glitter monster.

He got out his phone and looked up what to do with bubble mixture and followed the instructions. He turned the water on, waited for it to heat up and then poured in about a half a cup full. Not really knowing how much to put in.

Then sat down and started reading his book waiting for Magnus to get back. Slowly dozing off.

Magnus's POV

I walked into the apartment and smelt a vanilla-like smell. The exact smell of my bubble bath. I wonder why I can smell it out here. I made my way to the bathroom and knocked on the door not before noticing a bubble that must of escaped. Pushing it open, I screamed in surprise at seeing my bathroom covered in the small delicate bubbles. I saw a flash of black moving through it and making a path.

"...it, shit, shit. Magnus is gonna kill me, maybe I can clean it up before he gets home." Alexander was mumbling with a towel in his hand and bubbles covering his body. I started chuckling, deep and loud laughter filling the small bathroom.

"It's... it's a bit... too late... for... that." I said in between laughs.
Alec looked mortified, like he was on the verge of tears. " I just wanted to do something nice. I'm so sorry." He cried and I stopped laughing.

"Honey, I'm not mad, this is adorable. But maybe ask for help next time. I love you." I magicked away the bubbles and just left those that were still in the bath, lighting a few candles.
"You look stressed, come and have a bath." I joked.

Sorry it's so short
Hope you enjoyed this fluffy chapter

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