3)The pain ends

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Alec's pov

I was furious at Magnus, he had made a promise and broken it. In all the time i had know Magnus he had only ever broken a promise once before and that's why this hurts so much. I readjusted the baby in my arms and continued to march back to the Institute. I needed to get my anger out so I decided to train and let Clary take care of Max, lord knows she needs practice taking care of infants.

By the time I reached the Institute my anger was bursting out in rivets and I decided training wouldn't be enough to satisfy and dull this feeling. So walked up to Jace and Clary's room and knocked on the door. A few seconds later Jace opened the door partly and askes. "What do you want, Alec. I'm busy." I didn't respond I just put the baby bag in one of his hands pushed the door open.

I saw Clary sleeping on the bed and Jace just in a towel. My anger was still as strong as ever so I turned to Jace as said in a monotone voice, "I need you and Clary to take care of Max for awhile. I... I." I hesitated and made up a lie. "The clave has assigned me a task to do and Magnus isn't home. I'll only be a few hours and well you were an easier choice than Izzy." I rocked the baby in my arms and then noticed Clary put an arm around Jace's back.
"Of course well take care of him, we would love to." She took Max out of my arms before adding on, "Are you sure you don't want anyone to come with you."

"No!" That was all the answer she got before I walked out of their room and into the weaponry room. Picking up my bow and quiver, some runed arrows and a seraph blade, I looked over onto one of the screens and saw that there was demon activity near Taki's and he took the chance he could.

When Taki's came into view I turned left and right and saw a body. All over it were marks that were definitely demonic. Shax demon.
I walked further on slowly and saw several Shax demons. Pulling out my bow I aimed and shot one of the lesser demons piercing it's protective layer. All the other Shax demons turned and started lunging at me. I grabbed my seraph blade and started swing at and hitting the demons. There was about ten and I was confused why they were all in the same place but it didn't matter. I felt a demon use it's pincers to bite my shoulder and tear out flesh, I stabbed the demon and stumbled back.

Once all the demons were dead I slowest down, suddenly felling tired and dizzy, with blood running down my chest and leg. The demon had immobilised my leg by pulling off a faint chunk of of my calf and I sunk to the ground felling so tired.

I closed my eyes and felt suddenly peaceful. It was in this moment I realised I was dying but it was also the moment I realised how much I love Magnus. I slowly slipped away and felt so utterly peaceful, so peaceful that it seemed almost impossible for me to stay.

So this is probably the last chapter of  this one shot. I'm gonna write new ones soon.

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