Hidden II

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When period 2 came around, I made my way through the halls to the place I had been directed, up a flight of stairs, past a bunch of juniors, past another janitors closer, (a very special janitors closet). And into the room labelled 18. Just as I entered a soft hand covered my and I yelped in surprise before relaxing when I felt a familiar body against my back.

On the back of my neck was a minty breath and I toke a sharp intake when I heard a raspy voice say, 'so my perfect boy yelps now. Well what an improvement.' I feel the hand leave my face and I turn around as fast as lightning and stare into the almost golden eyes of Magnus Bane. 'There they are my beautiful blue eyes, how was your...'

Before he even gets a chance to finish that sentence I lean in and peck him on the lips, my mouth savouring the sweet taste of Magnus' lips and the mouth watering smell of sandalwood. 'Better now that I get to see you. Nice choice in room by the way.' I say as I look around the desks and carpeted floors. I turn my gaze back to Magnus, who is look at my with wonder filled eyes.

'How do you do it babe?' He asked sweetly. His hand now running up and down the expanse of my spine sending shivers through my body.

'Do what?' I responded trying not to break eye contact. Which is hard with the way he is looking at me now.

'Say the most stupidly perfect things without trying.' Was all he got out before my mouth was on his and my hands were roaming through his perfectly styled brown hair with pink tips. I pulled one of my hands out of his hair and dragged it down his body, stopping on his lower back just above his jeans clad ass. He pulled away slightly, only a few millimeters between his lips and mine. 'That too, how do you do that. How do you get me so excited with only the smallest touches. I'm meant to be the "magically one."' Magnus says leaning against his me, his boyfriend. they had been together for a while but never been officially out, due to the big commotion it would cause in their small town of Idris, especially with my parents. Magnus knew the day would come soon enough and he just needed to be patient.

I felt my face heat up in a deep blush, Magnus was the one with words not me but I went with it because I was too in love with Magnus to object. I leaned down and placed a small kiss in my lovers neck. That earned a sound from him, a low moan that resonated through the air. I groped Magnus ass for a second whilst I was at it to get him turned on.

Hey everyone I know it has literally been years but I never posted this story. It's a really short chapter but I will be trying to continue writing in this book. Hopefully a lot better thsn a few years ago.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2019 ⏰

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