Going to St Marie

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My sister and I are on our way to St Marie to become Patisseries in the future.  A man named Henri Lucas recommended us to this school because of our great taste, but also because we can tell what the name of the cake was that he made but also what was in it. I may have also told him how he could improve his cake.


Ichigo was walking around looking at the cakes like she was in heaven. We just came from a concert that was for our sister Natsume. After a while we both got a few cakes, and payed for them. After eating some and putting in how they could be improved we both took a bit out of a piece of cake that tasted almost exactly like our late grandmothers.

"Hey Violet, does this taste like her cake to you?"  questioned Ichigo.

"Yeah do you want to try to find who made it?" I asked.

"Yeah," said Ichigo. After we started to look for the person who made the cake.

"Excuse me, young misses is there something wrong with my cake."  asked a blond man that after looking at his name take I found that his name was Henri Lucas.

" No it just tasted like a cake our late grandmother made for use so we were wondering how." I said.

" Oh dear I'm so sorry for bringing up  sad memories for you." Henri said with his voice sounding very depressed. Ichigo and I looked  at each other and said at the same time.

"It's okay."

''May I know where your grandmother studied for her years to become a patisserie?" questioned Henri.

"I forget do you remember Violet?" Asked Ichigo.

"It was a school named St Marie if I remember correctly." I said matter of factly.

"Ah! No wonder our cakes taste the same she studied under my grandfather at his school! By the way would you mind if you girls try a cake I made that is original!?" exclaimed Henri.

"Sure,'' both of us sat down at a able waiting for the cake and when it came we both asked if the cakes name was first love. Henri had a shocked look when he told us that he had the cake represent a women's first love and then asked if we would like to come to his school. We then said sure and went home. After convincing our dad to let us go we packed and went to the bus.

Flashback ends~

We stop walking at a statue that looked like a fairy Queen and I read the inscription that said that it was Marie the Queen of Sweets. Then I saw a orange headed girl walking around the statue say welcome to the school and Ichigo yelled that the statue talked.

"Onee-chan it's that girl not the statue." I said, after she said sorry a few times Rumi (the orange headed girl) leaded us away to have a tour around the school, but before we left I left some of the cookies that I made as a snack with the Sweets Queen and wished that I would do well here.

Time skip to the first day of school~

The first day of school went very good for me, poor Onee-chan was having trouble in most of the classes. But it was after the baking class that a blond boy named Kashino that made my sister cry just because she couldn't make crepes correctly that I got mad.

"WHO GAVE YOU THE RIGHT TO YELL AT MY SISTER YOU JERK! EVER HEAR THE PHRASE PRACTICE MAKES MAKES PERFECT!" I yelled at him and then ran after my sister and convince her to stay and I bake her, her favorite treat that always made her smile and stop crying. After that I started to get bullied by him and other girls because of me yelling at him. After a month I got sick of it and I skipped lessons and started to pack my bags. I was going to transfer to a better school for upcoming patisseries called Totsuki Tea house Culinary Academy except I will be going to the baking part of the school.  

The Twin of Ichigo(COMPLETED)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon