Mean girls part 3???

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Hayley's POV

I wake up a little after 8:30am, no one told me to get out of bed and my class starts at 9 am.

'I'm so gonna be late!!! ' I scream out in frustration.

I rush to the bathroom brush my teeth, and enter the shower. To think I'm a 17 year old who's going to 18 would just try to remember to set her alarm on the last day of school. Then we'll have summer holidays. But instead I'll get a nice long 2 hour detention after school.

'I can make it, I'll try to make it. I will get to school on time!' I kept telling myself.

By the time I got out the shower, the time was already was 8:45. I pulled out the only clothes in sight.

There, was a note saying "I hope you like the clothes I picked out for you. By Keira."

I frowned, I'll get her for that, I bet shell make me wear the type of clothes she does. Short and revealing.

At least I won't waste time. I pulled on some navy blue denim jeans and a purple mesh panel hoodie. I decided that since I don't want my belly hanging out, I'd have a navy blue tank top underneath. To finish it off, Keira left black ankle boots adorned with chains.

By the time I left the house the time was 8:55. I jogged to the nearest bus stop and luckily caught the leaving bus. I was so proud of myself that I nearly missed my stop. I got off and dashed away to class. I am so lucky today. Thank the Lord!


"Hayley Skye," called my registration teacher, Mr Stemb, startling me from doze in which I'd drifted into. Well, whatever, do they really expect me to be awake at 9 in the morning?

Come on! I almost missed my bus and was nearly late.

"I'm here, Sir." I hazily replied, jerking my head off the table, I dried my mouth in case I was drooling, but not quick enough it seems.

Britney Roberts (my enemy) was already snickering at me, signalling to her friend that I was drooling. She stretched her long, tanned legs under the table while she continuously flicked her hair.

"Geek, nerd, loser. Freak!" Britney whispered sharply.

"Says you, wannabe-Brooklyn-Skye!" I retorted back.

Ha, in your face Britney. That will bring her ego down for a while - basically five seconds. Oh, what does it matter she'll still make fun of me some time today.

Yawning, Mr Stemb lazily signalled Britney to come up and do the class presentation each student was asked to, which she volunteered to do first.

Her prwaentation called: " If I was to save the world ..." qas about, if she were to save the world.

Britney, of course, loving the attention, sashayed up there flinging her skirt up everyone's faces. Finally, when she got there she decided to start her heck of a boring presentation.

"My presentation is about how to save world while being Brooklyn!" she smiled and flicked her hair while passing around pictures of Brooklyn Skye, the mega famous model whao has been reigning since last year.

"This, my fellow students, is Brooklyn Skye, a world famous model, she has the power to save the world with her looks alone. Take a good look and think, can you do that?" she paused, "No you can't, not at all."  She made everyone turn the pages to a page of Brooklyn modelling a skimpy golden dress.

The guys whistled, while the girls hissed in jealously.

"Everyone, they're doing a modelling competition and I encourage everyone beautiful to go. There's a after party after the modelling competition, it's gonna be so lit. So anyone who dare think they're brave enough to enter the competition, go. "

As if, I'd ever go, what good comes out of a modelling competition.

Or so I thought...


I strode out of class knowing that Keira was so going to enter that competition. I couldn't help but wonder: what if I was pretty, slim and perfect? A lot like Britney. I guess I would be popular, a lot like my little sister.

'We are totally going there, to the modelling competition today, you know that, right?' Keira stated.

Why? Why do I have to drive all the way to Kinsley Corp, it ten miles away, of course it doesn't even matter what I think, it's just not worth while. But for Keira it is, she gets to see Josh Munroe, Xavier Johnson and, everyone's favourite - Brooklyn Skye.

Everything's worth while if you do it for them, because my sister, Keira - like everyone - is a Fan of Brooklyn. My sister is just a year under me, and she crushes on popstars and people like my best boy friend, (we're just friends).

Obviously, my dad, who always takes sides with Keira, decided that it would be a good experience for the both of us. So that's why now, I'm going to have to go to the Kinsley's Corp (where the competition is), with Keira. As if I want to, I kind of wish that I wasn't.

But you know can't miss an opportunity like this. Especially since their famous people.


Hope you like todays my chapter.

And please don't forget to vote and comment.

Whats your favourite movie?
Mine is Alita: The Battle Angel. And Avengers: Infinity War.

( Tom Holland was just looking like a snack...mmhhmm)

Peace out: 👼Angel 👼 love you all my sweet bunnies

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