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Hayley's POV

How many of you have travelled hours on end with your sister and have pleaded to God in your mind to just kill you already.

Well I have. And that's what I'm still doing, begging God to strike me down from the heavens above.

'What the f-' Keira quickly rephrases what she was about to say, 'I mean fudgecakes. What the fudgecakes! There's a lightning storm. We need to stop.' she says trembling with horror.

We're travelling from California to L.A and it's dark out. The rain pelting the car, the thunder rumbling deeply, and the lightning flashing outside.

'We need to park this car and find a hotel. Lightning storms never end well. And it seems like this ones not gonna let up quickly.'

She's always been scared of lightning storms ever since her close encounter to death.

Now she's petrified of the sound, she's so scared to admit that that night had shaken her to core.

It struck her there and that's where her deepests fears dwells.

Keira's POV


Mom's driving to the villa she rented for the summer break. It's 11 o'clock and it's really pouring down.

It's like the heavens are parting to let through a waterfall of tears that has been held in for centuries.

There's hail that is constantly smashing against the glass, and the whipping of the wind which is howling like a wounded wolf.

I can feel the bad aura that is starting to generate.

The subtleness of the sky getting darker and darker, as if it's trying to trap us in a endless pit of regret and sorrow.

The lightning cackling and the thunder roaring like a lion, before any of us could see it coming the lightning struck the car.

And it struck me.

The car went berserk with the amount of electricity it just got struck with. It twisting at every turn.

Shaking. Like it was going to explode.

I knew my time was limited, the wheezing of the car; you could tell it was at it's limit too.

It was going to kill us all unless we get out.


'Everyone, we need to get out now.' I shouted over the booming sound of thunder. 'Do you hear the wheezing o this car? It's at its limit, we need to jump out before it explodes.'

'But that's too dangerous,' Dad said he was trying to assure us that everything will be okay. But it's not and it won't be. I just know. 'Just give me a sec to take control of this car, and show it who is boss.' he grabbed the steering wheel trying to veer it another direction than the plummeting cliff.

'We don't have a second, we've got to get out now!' I screamed.

With that Hayley jumped out the broken door. Brave, courageous and wise as always.

Reluctantly, Dad jumped out and Mom jumped too, all was left was me. I decided to take that leap of faith. To leave my problems behind for once.

To become a survivor.

'Aaaaarrrrggghhh!' I shrieked as I closed my eyes and leaped, but my leg was stuck inbetween the seats of the ruined and squashed chairs.

I pulled and pulled but to no avail did the seats release my leg. The headlights shinely brightly before me showed me the pole the car and I was heading towards.

I let a bloodcurdling scream out as the car rushed forward to meet the pole.

As I went to meet my death.

End of flashback

Remembering how hurt I was in the past, was fearful. It perturbed me to think that it could possibly happens again.

I know the pain. I'm no stranger to it. Got hospitalised for it. In a coma for a week and a half having nightmares over the same thing over and over again.

Seizures after seizures, I was strapped to the bed, forced to relive the same night. Every time. Everywhere.

I've been there, done that, got a massive scar.

I have a lot of scars actually, biggest one is from my collar bone to my stomach. That was from the crash. I couldn't stop the metal pole from meeting the car. I couldn't.

I also have a few of scars on my face, and more on my stomach. It's mainly the reason why I wear make-up, but I also do it to fit in.

Do you think I like to wear short miniskirts and revealing tops?


I never wanted fake friends that mean nothing to me and I mean nothing to them.

Even though they are all fake to me I got to stick with them. Till I find the right crowd. The right friends.

Till then, that's just society.

Welcome to my world.

It's only now that I realise that I'm afraid to admit I'm jealous of Hayley.

She can wear whatever she wants. Eat whatever she wants. She not pressurised by society, or cares what they think.

I honestly think that it's time... For a change.

Before time changes me. Or fear.

Or another strike of lightning.

That will blacken my heart with terror to the core.

Hayley's POV

I looked out into the gloomy, dark, cloudy sky. I closed my eyes and thought back to when it happened. Keira must have it worse. She has injuries and scars that will remind her forever of the pain she's been through.

I noted how the hail has started raining harder. Smashing against the windows like it's trying to penetrate it.

Each second heavier.

The rain and wind louder. As if it trying to drown out all the sound and everything, including us.

Just then did I feel what terror was, when the lightning struck the car. Sending the car toppling over with such force.

The car came to a stop. The rolling had stopped. Keira was crying and screaming. I should be too.

But I was far beyond that.

Because this time, I'm one who got hurt.

So I finally updated and though this chapter is a bit off topic it will all make sense soon. Thxs for reading, don't forget to vote and comment.

What's your biggest fear?
Mines of aliens and the dark.
(When you watch a lot of Doctor Who, you tend to get scared of everything.)

Peace out: 😇Angel😇 love you all sweet bunnies.

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