Hospital Bed

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Hayley's POV

Memories flashed before my eyes. People, places, friends ... new family.

As if I ever had any. Anything past the age of fourteen I can't remember. They're like missing pieces of a puzzle that I can't find.

It reminds me of that guy I met at Kinsley Corp, where the modelling competition was held. He remembered me, or thought he remembered me as someone he knew. 

All these thoughts were rushing and flapping around in my head. When suddenly I was jolted back in my body.

Voices floated in my head words were jumbled and I was confused and tired.

"It seems like it worked...."
"Everything's going...."
"Don't let her sleep...."
"Is she okay...."

Voices I remember, some I don't, people with accents, some with none.

Pain laced through my body. Like a... like a explosion of sudden pain everywhere.

The feeling numbing down to nothing.

My mind was foggy but I felt an invisible string before me tugging at my body, tugging at my heart.

I opened my eyes to see the bright lights before me. The too clean, antiseptic smell and beeping of the machine beside me.

This brought back memories... of something I can not remember. Something I could almost remember, on the tip of fingers. I could feel the small memory slip inside my head.

Gone as quickly as it came.

Leaving behind a small flashback of a life I've never known.

The voices fading. The light dimming. The people's shadows over me disappearing. The smell faded. The invisible string... gone.


I opened my eyes immediately squinting at the too bright light above me.

My body reclined on a semi-stiff hospital bed. My mind was once again fuzzy and foggy.

Memory of the flashback long gone.
It was just my thoughts and myself laying in my bed. Wide awake.

People rushed around me, I felt someone grip my hands. My eyes still wide open but blurry figures were all I see.

"It'll be okay, your here. Alive..." I heard someone say. A masculine voice, my Dad. Someone else maybe.

Once again fading into the oblivion as the drugs pumped into me making me forget. Everything.


"She can be discharged now, she's stable and it's seems like her body is finally beginning to cope again." The unknown voice said. I heard some rustling and some whispers.

I began to open my eyes. My eyes fluttering open to see the bright lights above me. Reminding me of a something that I never knew.


I was sitting on a stool, behind me was a white canvas covering the entire back wall. I was staring at the camera with a straight face wearing one of the many clothes they provided for me.

They snapped a lot of photos of me, adjusting me after a few.

After modelling for them they cleaned of my make-up and I changed my clothes back into my normal ones.

And then I waited. It was hometime. I waited for Mommy to come and pick me up since Daddy was at work.

The agency said that my modelling was very good for a 7 year old.

And that's why I'm here. My mommy said they like me. And I love modelling.

"I wanna model forever!"

*end of flashback*

Until they met Brooklyn. And she replaced me.


I snapped out of my daze as I was shaken awake by someone.

My eyes flew to find my Dad standing before with an outstretched hand to help me up.

"We're leaving. You're discharged we can leave. The model agency are expecting you today." He pulled out his phone as someone began to call him. Walking away he spoke to the person on the phone rapidly.

I pulled the sheets off me and walked towards the window and stared. We're in L.A. I think.

I grabbed my phone and looked at the time, date and location. We are in L.A, it was 3 days after the lightning occurrence and it was 10:07.

Too early. And I was hungry.

So I decided it would be a good idea to find the cafeteria in the hospital.

I grabbed my purse changed out of my hospital gown into a fresh new set of clothes that Dad probably had laid out for me.

I decided that after eating food I'd shower. Food first. Always.

So I set of on my journey to find food.
Walking down the antiseptic smelling hallways looking for that sign.

Sniffing for that smell.

All of a sudden I bumped into something. Or rather someone.

"YOU ARE NOT A WALL!" I stated to the wall. "I swear, this happens too often. A fudging wall just appeared out of nowhere like what the..." I continuously muttered.

Suddenly a bark of laughter erupted out of the wall I just hit.

I looked up to see a devishly handsome wall looking at me. I mean guy with rock hard abs.

"Damn!!!!" I sai randomly. Then I started to blush, then nervously avoiding husband gaze when he just stared at me.

"Okay. Bye." I stepped around him and began to speedwalk away from him until he said.

"I won." Confused, I turned around and looked at him.

"Won what?" I questioned.

"The staring contest." he smiled.

I stared at him. And blinked. I took a deep breath and turning around to leave. Then turning back around when I realised I didn't even know where I was going.

"Can you show me the cafeteria. I'm lost, and I don't know my way around here." I blushed again.

Stop blushing Hayley. I kept telling myself furiously. Stop it.

"Follow me. Let me show you." He took my hand as he lead me to the Cafeteria.

To ease the awkward silence between us I started to tell him my story. From how I came to the hospital. But the discreet version. Like I was going to model in L.A and so on.

Not I was forced to become my sister. Like yeah... right.

"You know, I was struck by lightning."

His eyebrows shot up. Worry painted across his face.

But before he could say anything I said: "I'm okay now. I think... I came here on a modelling trip and...."

His fingers intertwined with my delicate fingers as we continued to walk on, his hand engulfing my own.

But I couldn't help but feel like I knew him from somewhere.

I mean like who holds hands with someone you barely know???


So guys how did you like this chapter. This chapter was kinda of boring to me. The real fun begins next chapter. Guys I can't wait for you to read it.

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Mine has to be English.

😇Angel is out. Love you all sweet bunnies. Bye.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2020 ⏰

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