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Hiccup pov

It had been months since Viggo took the dragon eye from us and I was determined to get it back no matter what. it was the ultimate treasure. It took awhile to find where one of his bases is. If we can take down one of there bases and capture one hunter then we can get him to tell us where Viggo is. I have been planning for weeks, absolutely nothing could go wrong. I watched  as the gang as they were training,  although they didn't seem to want it back as much as I did. they just seemed to be messing about.

"Come on guys focus, we will only have one chance, we have to get the dragons eye back at all costs otherwise all the dragons will be hunted to extinction and that's not what we want." I says to the gang."

"You know, you don't have to tell us this every 5 minutes Hiccup, we know this already." says Snotlout

" Yeah it's only putting pressure on us" says Ruffnut

"yeah loosen up H the only way you can do something is by having a bit of fun."says Tuffnut

"Don't worry Hiccup we will do this and nothing will go wrong". says Fishlegs putting his hand on my shoulder  

I sigh and say

" I need to go and clear my head" I say  and leave on toothless for a flight

Astrid pov

" now look what you have all done" i say to everyone annoyed but they look at me as if they don't know what I am talking about.

"what did we do" says Snotlout innocently

"He's just under a lot of pressure and you lot are stressing him a lot, you all know he's worked hard for this and you lot just want to have fun and mess about." I kind of raised my voice at them but I didn't realize it until after I finish.

"Jeez calm down Astrid, your starting to sound like Hiccup" say's Snotlout

This made me more angry so I grabbed him and throw him over my shoulder into a  wall and walked away to find Hiccup.

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