A Small Talk

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Hey guys so I know it's been a while since I updated but to be honest I have been very busy with school because the biggest exams of my life so far (GCSE) are coming up soon and I have not had time to do anything else but revise, but any way here is the next part hope you like it ;-)


Astrid pov

 Poor Hiccup I think to my self, he's under so much stress I have to try and cheer him up somehow. I fly all over the island trying to find him but i get see him anywhere and then i realise that i know exactly where he could be.

Hiccup pov

I am staring at the moon lost in thought. I am starting to think that I can't do this but I have to or else but, no one really listens to me.

"what am I going to do bud " I say to toothless who is nuzzling me trying to make me feel better

"what you always do"

A voice said from behind. I turned around and saw Astrid

" Wait how did you" I say but she cuts off as she sits next to me

" Find you, come on Hiccup, I know you better than anyone  in the archipelago. I also know you well enough to know that something is bothering you. Look if its the gang then just ignore them they are all muttonheads" Says Astrid

" It's not just them it's everything going on with this I mean this is huge if we don't get the dragon eye back who knows what will happen I mean..." I say but I can't finish my sentence. "sigh... I am just starting to think that I can't do this, like the plan will fail and something will go wrong, like we won't get it back."

" Hiccup, you have worked so hard for this, the plan will work and even if something goes wrong you'll know exactly what to do, you always do." Astrid say to me putting her hand on my shoulder.

"How do you know that" I ask

"Because Hiccup Haddock always comes up of a way to fix things. You always have and always will. Don't worry ok we will get the dragon eye back. I promise"

"You really think we can do this" I ask

" I do" she say

I give her a small smile.

"By the way what did you mean by what I always do" I ask

"Try, no matter what you always try your best to achieve your goal." 

"Thank you Astrid you are the only one who supports me with this, honestly I don't know what I would do with out you. I wouldn't be able to do anything if you weren't here" I say

" I am sure that's not true but your welcome, just know I will always be there to help you no matter what,  just like you always help me.  Come on we should start to get ready for bed, we have a big  day tomorrow."

"Yeah and at the same time I should probably apologise to the gang, I have been pushing them really hard " I say

We get up and get on our dragons and fly to the club house where we expect the gang to be eating there but they weren't.

"What's going on, where is everyone" I say

"I don't know maybe they are all asleep." say's Astrid who looks confused as I am.  

Then suddenly we here a loud blast coming from the training arena. We both run to the port and look down and we can't believe our eyes. The gang are training and working hard. Astrid smiles at me and I smile back.

"Look's like they do care after all"  I say 

"Of course they care they just don't show it" Astrid tells me  

We  decide to go down and tell them to rest.


"Hey gang I would just like I am sorry  I know that I have been pushing you very hard lately but I didn't mean too."

"It's ok Hiccup it's not your fault if anything we are the ones who are sorry for not supporting you as much as we should. We promise that we will all work hard to get the Dragon eye back" say's Fishlegs.

"Yeah" say's the rest of the gang even Snotlout

"Thank you everyone, and I know we will all work hard and get the dragon eye tomorrow. Now let's all get some sleep, working hard like that you should all get a good rest"

Thanks for reading hope you all liked it as it took me a long time to write it.  Hopefully I will update the next part soon. 

BYE !!!    ;-)                                                                                                                                             

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