The Mission

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Hey Guys i am so sorry I took a long time to update but I have been very sick lately  but I am all better now so I could write. School has also been a kill joy as I have to go on Saturday's as well. so I have found it very hard to write.

Also it's my BIRTHDAY today  ( YAY Sweet 16)   so I wanted to post it on this day.

(now back to the story )

Hope you like it     ;-)

Hiccup pov

I wake up from the sound of terrible terrors singing on my roof. I sit up and think to my self. Todays the day. The biggest day of our life's. Failure is not an option. I look over at Toothless who is licking his paw. 

"come on bud lets go and eat"

I go to the club house to have some breakfast although I don't feel like eating. when I get there I realise that I am the last one there.  I take a seat next to Astrid. Everyone else is already there eating. I start to eat a little just because I need my strength. I notice that everyone is quite. Even the twins won't make any jokes.

"Hey you ok" Astrid ask's sounding worried

" yeah I am fine"

"you sure"

"yeah just thinking"

"ok. Don't think too much, it put's you off"

I give a small nod.

"we should be getting ready" I say

We all get on our dragons and head out to take down the base  

time skips


We reach the dragon hunter base after 40 minutes of flying. We mange to sneak on the island  and land our dragons on higher ground and observe what they are doing. From the looks of it they are prepared for anything. lot's of grads from every corner. Ryker is  there ordering men around.

" Hiccup, look over there" Fishlegs shouts as he points at something in the corner

I look over to where Fishlegs is pointing I see something unbelievable. The person who I wanted dead more than anything.  Viggo Grimborn with the dragon eye in his hand. he is walking over to Ryker and talks to him then goes to his hut which must be his.

"Viggo" I say

" What in Thor's Name" Astrid says

" Well this certainly complicates things" says Snotlout

"Not really" says Tuffnut  "We no longer need to capture a hunter we just need to take them down and get the dragon eye."

" Tuffs right all we have to do is work together and take them down." I say

"Then  what are we waiting for lets do this"  Ruff exclaims  

"Ok Snotlout and Fishlegs take the ones on the west, and Astrid and the twins take the ones on the east."

"what about you" Astrid says

"I am going to get the dragon eye. while you guys are attacking I will sneak past"

"just be careful of Viggo we don't know how well prepared he is."

"Don't worry about me I will be fine"

 Everyone levees and starts to attack with dragon blasts. Me and toothless head to viggo's tent. Once we are inside we look around for Viggo but there is no sign of him. I  see the dragon eye right on his desk and it does not look like there are any traps. I walk over to it and reach for it slowly and prepare for any traps. but there are none.

"Strange why aren't there any traps"

I look over at Toothless who looks as confused as me."come on bud, lets get out of here and help the others" I jump on to toothless and we fly out to help. I see the gang up high and fly to them. 

"what's going on guys" then I notice something. "where's Astrid"

"we don't know we can't find her anywhere." Ruff says

Just then a fire arrow almost hits me but I dodge it. I look over to where it was shot and see Viggo.

"Well well well, Hiccup Haddock it's been awhile. I must say I must applaud you and your riders, you have done a grate job taking down my operation but let me tell you this. You are far from wining today"

"what do you mean" I say.

He does this hand signal to one of the men who goes over to  cage and  pull's  Astrid out


"I wouldn't advise any false moves if you know what I mean if you want her alive"

" Hiccup go don't worry about me I will be fine, go"

Viggo takes out his sword and point's at her  

"Like I said I would advise you to leave now unless you want it to be a bloodbath" Viggo holds his sword really close to Astrid's throat and hunters start to firer dragon root arrow and fire arrows at us.

"Hiccup we have no choice we have to go. were out numbered" Fishlegs calls out

I can't leave her here with them, she would never leave me but what can I do were sitting ducks out here so we all  leave and head back to the edge.

time skips


When we reach the edge tears start to slide down my cheek  

"This is all my fault"

"It's not your fault and you know that" Fishlegs tells me " we will find a way to get her back but right now our dragons need rest and we need the right plan. We can't just attack."

 Fishlegs is right I need to make a plan and a good one. otherwise i will never get Astrid back.  I nod and go to my hut

"Don't worry Astrid I will save you no matter what"

So I really hope you liked this chapter that took me so long to write. I worked really hard on it. Tell me what you thought of it.

 Hopefully the next part will be out soon.

BTW if there are any spelling mistakes feel free to point them out

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