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Hello everyone I hope everyone is well. I am so sorry that I took forever to update. I have done my first w weeks of my GCSE'S and to be honest I am already dying. I still have 2 weeks of exams to go :-( 

(wish me luck)

summary: Hiccup arrives at the island where Astrid is. He finds Viggo and gives him the dragon eye and the lenses, but what happens next. will he let Astrid go...


Hiccup pov

After hours of flying we finally reach the island where they have Astrid. I can only pray to odin that Astrid is ok . I land toothless on one of the high points of the mountains and get my spy glass out and look for viggo, but i can't see him anywhere. I start to here a familiar chuckle coming from behind me but when i turn around no one is there. Then suddenly i see viggo come out from behind a tree and two hunters come out of the others.

"I just knew you were going to land up here, you are so predictable Hiccup" 

I don't say anything i just stare at him 

" i am so glad you could make it, i trust you have brought what i have asked for" 

"I have but you don't get it until i see Astrid"

" very well,  (to the hunters) bring the girl"

A few minutes later the hunters bring Astrid and i am absolutely shock at what i see. Her head has a big bump with a bit of blood, she beautiful ocean blue eyes have turned blood shot red, they put a cloth over her mouth and her arms are filled with cuts. I hold back my tears as much as i can. I am going to make Viggo pay for what he has done to Astrid if it is the last thing i do.

"I am waiting hiccup, give me what is rightfully mine"

" give me her first and then i will give you what you want" i shout

" you are not really in a potion to make demands hiccup, give me the bag first"

I walk over to him and give him my saddle bag of dragon eye lenses.

"Ok now let her go"

" why should i do that"

I did not understand but suddenly a net shots at toothless and a lot of hunters come out of now where and grab him. " Toothless" i run to him but then a hunter grabs me and stops me.

"Viggo what are you doing we had a deal"

" you'll never learn Hiccup, I am always one step ahead of you. Your dragon is going to make me very rich"

The hunter then takes me away into a cave filled with cages and throws me in there.. A few minutes later another hunter comes holding Astrid and throw her into the cell with me, locks the door and leaves. I run to her and take the cloth from her mouth, and untie her ropes then bring her close to my chest and hug her. She starts to sob in my chest"

"Shhhhhhh it's okay I got you, you're safe now, I'm here I won't let anything hurt you again I promise"

Astrid starts to mumble something " I am so sorry Hiccup"

"Why are you sorry, you didn't do anything wrong"

" it's all my fault that we are here, if i hadn't got captured then you wouldn't have to give away all the lenses and the dragon eye and we wouldn't be here"

"No Astrid, it's not your fault it's mine. If I hadn't been so obsessed with find the dragon eye then none of this would have happened and you wouldn't have to go through what you went through. I am so sorry"

Astrid pov 

I hug him tightly never wanting too let go. We stay like this for a few minutes but it feels like hours.

"You know you shouldn't have given him the dragon eye  or the lenses, not for me. There more important than me"

Hiccup POV 

"Astrid you are the most important person in my life, if it came to it i would give up my life just so you can live, because i l...".  Suddenly the whole room starts to shake and we start to hear explosions. 

"What was that"

"I don't know"

"Hiccup do you hear that"

"It sounds like a dragon" 

just then Fishlegs appears on meatlug "Hiccup, Astrid thank Thor your alright"

"Fishlesgs  how did you find us"

"Errrr we followed you here" 

" well it's a good thing you did, now how about you get us out of here"

Fishlegs tell meatlug to bash into the cage which opens it. " come on, we gotta get Toothless" 

We all get out of the cage and see the others blasting the base 

" Fishlegs did you see toothless anywhere's.

"Yeah the others went to get him"

"Ok lets get out of here" we run out of the cave and see the others outside with toothless who runs to me and nuzzles me. I hop on Toothless and I  help Astrid hop on toothless behind me and we all  fly back home 

"Thanks hiccup, for saving me" 

" your welcome I am glad to have you back, I really missed you."

I feel Astrid put her arms around me and put her head on my shoulders.



We finally arrive back at the edge at sunset.I hop of toothless and help Astrid off. 

" are you ok, do you want to see gothi"

" no I'm ok, thanks hiccup, it's just too bad we lost all the dragon eye lenses"

" think again" fishlegs says holding my saddle bag" 

"Wait how did you..." 

" it does not matter how we got them, what matters is that they are with us again" fishlegs says 

"Thanks guys for everything, why don't you all get a rest, it's been a long day"

Everyone goes to their huts except me and Astrid. We sit on one of the cliffs looking into the beautiful sky 

" Hiccup"


"Em back in the cave you were saying something but you never finished your sentence. What were you going to say"

"Em  well i was saying that i care about you and that i was struggling and suffering because you was not here and thats because i love you Astrid . I always have and always will."

"I love you too" she smiles 

We both leaned towards each other and  we kiss for a few seconds and then we watch the sunset 


OMT 1121 words 

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