A Deal to save My Love's life's

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So I just wanted to say thank you for all the votes and comments that you guys sent me from my last chapter it meant a lot to me and it made me want to write more so thank you everyone for inspirering me. Also thanks for wishing me a happy birthday it was amazing I got the biggest shock of my life as in assembly this girl organised everyone in my year to sing happy birthday to me without me knowing and I went really red and I was totally shocked as that sort of thing never happens to someone like me. ☺

I actually wrote this chapter, like 100 times on a piece of paper first and I had changing things to make it better.

But anyway, Back to the story

Really hope you like it. ;-)

Astrid's pov

Once my friends leave Viggo hands me over to a dragon hunter

"Take her to the ship, she will be very useful" Viggo says

The dragon hunter grabs and chains me then drags me to a ship. I try to brake free but no matter how hard I try I just can't brake free. when we get to their he brings me all the way down to the bottom of the ship to where the cells are. He throws me in there and locks the door and leaves. I sit down and try to think of a plan to escape.

An hour later two men come and take out and bring me up to a room. I suspect it must be Viggo's room. When they take me inside I see I was right. There he is sitting in his chair.

"Well hello Astrid how nice to see you again. Please sit down"

I just stare at him in an angry way, and then one hunter pushes me down and sits me on the chair.

Viggo then pours some water into a cup and puts it near me but I just stare at him.

"I must give you and your friend's credit you have certainly gotten stronger recently.

"What do you want Viggo" I say

"Well from you I just want some information".

"You might as well forget it, I will never talk even if you threaten to kill me" I yell

"Oh I think you will, not just for the sake of your life but for the sake of your friends life's too. Especially Hiccup's.

"My friends will come for me and when they do you'll be sorry"

"Oh I know for a fact that Hiccup will come" You see my dear only a few moments ago I sent a terror mail to your dear friend Hiccup. Once he reads it he will have no choice but to hand over what is rightfully mine. The dragon eye and the lenses. and once he does that's when my men attack."

"What do you even need the lenses for"

"you'll find out very soon all you need to know is that it will lead me to something very big and get me very rich" ( Anyone know what I am talking about)

"He will never do it, no matter what you have written on that note" I shout at him

He starts to chuckle and then gives me an evil smile "oh you see my dear that's where you are wrong. I know for a fact that when he realizes that your life is at stake he will have no choice but to give me what I want. You see you are the only person he really cares deeply about and I think you know it too"

I don't say anything.

"Here is what I am going to do. If you can give me the information I want then I promise I won't hurt any of your friends but if you don't then a certain rider will meet his doom. Do we have a deal?"

I don't trust him but what other choice do I have. If I don't I will lose Hiccup. "You can brake my soul, take my life away, beat me, kill me, but if you don't touch him I will tell you anything you want to know. I say almost in tears. (Inspired by the pic at the top)

"Good. You are doing the right thing my dear." He says then tells the hunter behind me to take me back to the cell.

The hunter grabs my arm and take me back to my cell. When the hunter locks the door and leaves I sit in the corner and start crying. All I could think about is how I will be betraying Hiccup and telling his enemy things that I shouldn't.

Back at the edge

Hiccup's pov

I sit at my desk trying to think of a plan. I will not rest until Astrid is safe with me. It's all my fault she is captured and I have to save her before it's too late. If only I hadn't become obsessed with this worthless piece of junk (The Dragon Eye) then the girl who I care about the most. The girl who I have loved for so many years would not be in danger. I never even got the chance to tell her how I feel. The Dragon eye was not the thing I need most. It was Astrid. She is my true treasure. The one that need to be in my Then suddenly I hear a knock at the door. I get up and open it and see the rest of the gang standing there and what really scares me is that they all have a worried look on their faces.

"What is, what happened, is it Astrid" I start to panic.

"Hiccup we need to talk" Fishlegs says handing me a letter and a map. "I think its better we go to the club house"

I don't say anything but I give a nod and we start to head to club house. All I could think about was if Astrid was ok. When we get to the club house I take a deep breath and start to read the note.

Dear Hiccup Haddock

Don't worry about the girl she's safe for now but if you ever want to see her again then you will bring me exactly what I want or else there will be consequences. Ones that will be permanent. Now of course I want my dragon eye back but also I want every single dragon eye lens that you and you riders have found over the months. If you do not give them to me the girl will die. Come to the island with a cross on it, tomorrow night and come alone. If I see any other rider you will regret it.


"We can't give him the dragon eye or the lenses hiccup, it's too risky. You know Viggo will use the information to hunt and capture dragons." Snotlout. Tells me

"You definitely can't go alone, it's obviously a trap we should come with you for back up" says Fishlegs

"I have no choice, I have to give Viggo what he wants otherwise or Astrid will..." I can't finish my sentence. "Look we can't lose Astrid no matter what. I have to go alone to give viggo what he wants and I have to save her before it's too late. I don't want any of you to follow me, understand." I walk back to my hut and prepare to rescue the one I love.

Gang pov

Whole gang: WOW

Tuff: what just happened?

Fishlegs: I have never seen hiccup care about anyone like that before it's almost like...

Ruff: he like likes her


Snotlout: are we really gonna just stay here and do nothing

Fishlegs: we have no choice guys, Hiccup gave us an order

Snotlout: but what if something bad happens

Tuff: I 'have it we follow him but don't do anything unless something bad has happened.

Ruff: excellent idea brother

Fishlegs: fine we'll go to but we don't do anything unless Hiccup's in trouble everyone agree"

Rest of gang; sure

Well there it is. I really hope you liked this. Please tell me what you thought. Comments are very much appreciated. I hope it makes sense for some reason I feel like it doesn't. 


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