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The actual words themselves never processed in my head.

"We have record of her delivering a child approximately six years ago."

Six years ago was when I 'raped' her.

And as she said she was a virgin, witch means this kid is probably mine.

This child was mine.

And she never told me.

She had to of known the month for I left.

That she was pregnant and I was the father.

After days of sitting in the same chair, in the same room, looking at the same girl, thinking the same things, I lost track of actually how long I was there with her.

But the things we had to talk about when she woke up.

It felt like centuries but only seconds from the crash to when she finally woke up.

I didn't know how to react when her eyes fluttered open.

She looked at me and I know the feeling was mutual.

"Why are you here?" Her voice was shaky.

"No one was there when I woke up, I didn't want you to have the same feeling when you woke up."

"I don't want you here." She says.

"We both know we need to talk." I say.

"There is nothing to talk about."

"Yes the hell there is." I say.

The doctour comes in and we calm ourselves.

"Ms Venezuela, it's glad to see you awake. How are you feeling?"


"That's good. That's good." She says. "Everything looks good. You seem healthy. Just be glad the impact didn't pop none of the silicone." She chuckles.

"Silicone?" I ask looking at Kardi.

"Shut up Diego." She says.

"We are gonna keep you over night. Boo, I know. We just need to make sure everything is gonna be good now that your awake. We're gonna prescribe you some antibiotics and then you'll be out of here by tomorrow."


"Awesome. If you need anything just holler and I will be on my way." She smiles.

Kardi nods and she leaves.

"So, you have implants?" I say.

"Shut the fuck up."

"You don't wanna talk about that. Let's talk about this kid you have."

"I don't have a kid."

"You had one."

"Diego what's happened doesn't concern you."

"The doctour said you had a kid here, six years ago. And six years ago is when I slept with you."

"When you raped me."

"Kardi I didn't rape you. I just wanna know if this kid is mine."

"I don't have a kid." She says.

"Than you put up for fucking adoption or something, I just want to know if I have a kid out there that I don't know about."

"Yes! Okay. You fucking happy now." She looked like she was going to cry again -- and it did hurt me.

I felt closer to her after sitting with her here for this whole time.

"Look, I don't want you crying, okay?" I say, my voice shaking as I tried holding steady.

"And I don't want you here, okay?"

"Why do you hate me?"

"You raped me!"

"You need to stop saying that, I never raped you."

"Yes you did. And you got me pregnant because your a stupid little player."

"Okay, I'm sorry that I got you pregnant, and I'm sorry I said the things I said, but I didn't rape you. I slept with you, you obviously don't remember that whole night. I liked you Kardi, and I'm sorry that it didn't go how you imagined it. But this isn't no fucking Disney movie. Life ain't gonna bend over and kiss your ass and bake you fucking cookies when things don't go your way. But I didn't rape you. These past weeks I've sat here day over day, gave me a lotta time to think, and obviously you were on some serious shit after that night because I remember that night, and nothing about it, was anywhere near rape."

"And what is the point of any of this Diego?"

"That I didn't rape you! I asked you out, I took you to the movies and we went to Dairy Queen, and I asked you if you wanted to come back to my house sense my parents weren't home, and you agreed, and I took you up to my room and we made out, and not me, you started taking off my clothes and then we had sex. You are the one that started it, I wasn't even planning on getting lucky. I asked you out cause I liked you, and I didn't care that you were flat. But obviously you did sense you got implants."

She was quiet for a moment.

"That's not what happened."

"Yes it is Kardi. I'm not sure if your parents brain washed you, or you are just doing this to try and get to me. But I didn't rape you. You wanted to sleep with me."

"Leave Diego."

"No Kardi. I liked you than, and I like you now. Why can't you just get over the past?"

"Because. I know what happened that night. And it's not how your saying it is. Now leave."

"I'll leave. I'll leave this room. But I'm not leaving you alone."

"Go away."



Who's side do you take?


Or Diego?

How do you think the night went?

I'm currently writing the chapters a head and I just wrote chapter eleven and I cant


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