Chapter 6- The Perfect Date

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Oh, God. Ok, calm down. Everything will be perfect. I ran around the castle to check on everything. I happen to run into my parents. "Woah, slow down, kiddo. What's the rush?"

"Sorry, dad. I have a date tonight, and I want it to go perfect."

"Honey, I'm sure it will be fine. Is there anything we can help with?"

"No, but I'd like to know where Mrs. Potts and Maestro are. I want them to play your song they wrote."

"Mrs. Potts is in the kitchen I think Maestro is probably in the music room. Why do you need them to play our song?"

"I'm going to dance with her, mom. I feel this is a way she can trust me more. I think we can connect more this way too."

"That sounds fantastic, pumpkin. Tell you what. You go get ready, and bring her here, your mother and I will go fetch those two and help set up."

I hugged and kissed my parents. "Thank you, so much. I love you guys."

"Go get ready, we have this handled."


I walked to Evie's dorm, I had a big smile on my face. I dressed to impress on this date. Since she loves blue, I though I'd wear a blue tux. (See above.)

I knocked on the door. Mal opened it. "She's almost done. She's fixing her make-up. You can wait in here."

I walked in. "How've you been, Mal?"

"Still adjusting, but good." She sat on her bed. "You look nice."

"Thank you, I thought this was my best outfit."

"You must really care about her. You even went as far as to wear her favorite color."

I didn't get to answer, as Evie came out of the bathroom. She looked enchanting. She wore a blue dress with a jeweled belt. The upper torso was jeweled as well. She looked stunning.

It was like seeing her for the first time

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It was like seeing her for the first time. "Hey.."

She blushed. "Hi.."

I offered my arm. "Shall we?"

She took it. "We shall."


"That was delicious."

"Yeah, I've always enjoyed eating here."

"I can see why. I feel like a princess, just being here."

I stood up and took her hand. "I've still got one more trick up my sleeve. Come with me." She stood up and followed me. Once we walked into the ballroom, she looked so happy. At that moment I pictured me and Evie as my parents. This is how my mom reacted when my dad showed her his library.

"This feels so magical."

"You haven't seen the best part." I ran over to Mrs. Potts and Maestro. I signaled to them I was ready. Maestro started with his piano. I walked back over to Evie. "Do you know the dance my parents did?"

"I've actually memorized it. I used to dance to it as a little girl." She curtsied and I bowed.

(I'm not good at describing dances. So just watch the ballroom scene from the live action of Beauty and the Beast. That's basically what Brooke and Evie did.)

"Ok, the dinner I get, but why the dancing?"

"Well, every Princess should get to dance. I thought I'd give you your first dance."

"Well, it was amazing. This has been an amazing date. I think this is the best day of my life."

I glanced at the balcony. The sun was beginning to set. "Not yet, there's one last thing I want to show you." I took her to the balcony beside the ballroom. She gasped at the sight and I smiled. "It's beautiful, isn't it?"

"I love watching sunsets. I think they're so romantic."

I took her hand and laced our fingers together. She look down, but didn't pull away. She faced me and I moved a few strands of hair away that were in the way. She licked her lips, I momentarily looked at them. I slowly leaned in, she met me in the middle. I stopped, giving her a chance to retreat, but she didn't resist it.

Our lips collided and I felt like I was no longer grounded. I felt like I was flying. Standing on a mere cloud. My heart was racing, my stomach doing flips like a cheerleader. Is this really what it feels like? Everyone who's ever told me was right. I knew what this was. Not only was it my first kiss, but this was much more. It was true love's kiss.

We slowly parted. We both smiled. I knew she felt the same. Any doubts I had disappeared. I heard the doors to the ballroom open. I saw my parents come in. Evie noticed to and she immediately became nervous. "Oh no, your parents are here."

"It's ok, I'll tell them you aren't ready." She nodded and I ran to them. "Hey, um, she's not ready to meet you yet. She's nervous about it."

They were both surprised. I knew they'd be like this. "It's ok, honey. We'll wait until family day."

I hugged my parents. "Goodnight, I love you."

"We love you too."

I ran back to Evie and i took her hand. "I'll walk you back."


"Thank you so much, Brooke. I had a ton of fun."

"So did I. I hope we can do it again."

"Yeah, I'd love that." I placed a chaste on her lips.

"Goodnight, Princess."

"Goodnight, my knight in shining armor."

I walked to the end of the hallway. I looked back to check if she was back in her room. Then I looked around to see if anyone was looking. I ran outside and jumped in the air. "Woohoo!"

Author's Note: I know I originally had Evie meet Adam and Belle before, but I thought it'd be better if they met Evie and Mal at the same time.

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