Chapter 4- Their Revival

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Marian was suddenly sent flying. She coughed up a bit of blood on the ground as she looked up at the nine figures. The first one, Zeldris, was bringing his foot down. She wiped the blood from her mouth and she glared at him. "What the hell, Zeldris?!" She yelled, standing up.

"Did you really think I'd be keen on helping a traitor?"

"Tch.." She said, looking away.

"How are you alive, anyway?" Asked the man beside to him, Estarossa.

"Well, I broke out of my own seal." She said, boasting. "And then I encountered Frauldin over here and it has been downhill ever since." She giggled. "But my question is why Meliodas is still alive... I watched 3,000 years go by, and he's still here with that Goddess chick." She scoffed as she mentioned the girl.

"We should get going." Frauldin said as he neared the group. "The abandoned hill of Edinburgh is nearby, let's go." He said as he walked off again, not waiting for the others to follow. As soon as Marian skipped after him, she was pulled back by someone grabbing onto her cloak. She turned and saw Zeldris holding the dark fabric.

"Where do you think you're going?" He asked as she yanked the fabric away from him.

"To the hill? You need me." She said as she turned and followed without any opposition. Zeldris sighed and followed after her with the other Commandments. They all sprouted wings or flew by other means to their new hideout.


~in the time that's past, Galand has fought the sins, who then got Meliodas's powers from the druids. (For full details and the original story, read the manga~)~

"For the last time, we can't just take Britannia by storm! We need to eliminate the Seven Deadly Sins first." Marian said, clearly frustrated. She was about to add onto her thought when someone appeared in front of the tree-like structure they were camping on.

They materialized into Meliodas, who did a little salute. "Yo." Marian reached out to stop Galand from jumping down to him, but he was to fast. She let out a disappointed sigh as Meliodas punched his head into the ground, causing a major deformation in the side of his head.

She did nothing as he helplessly beat Galand until he could barely move. She did nothing as Meliodas gave them his warning, and she barely even blinked when he disappeared after being attacked by Zeldris and Frauldin. She stood by as the commandments argued about what their next move should be. That is, until Zeldris wanted to split up.

"Splitting up would be wearing us thin, it'd be to easy to take us down." She said. The others had almost forgotten she was there, and all of them now turned to her as she stared at the ground below the tall tree. "That's why he came. He wants us to split up. We should attack Camelot in full force, then Britannia." She said as she hugged her arms. Her demeanor had completely changed from her usual lively self. She now seemed dead, like an empty husk of the person she used to be.

"But If we stay together, we'll all be killed at once. An easy target."

"What we should be doing is staying here and get you Ten to your full potentials." She said calmly. "Meliodas has regained a power that was lost. He'll be to much for any of you in your current states." She snickered, the first emotion she had shown since Meliodas had left.

"But there won't be enough souls here. We should split up in groups of two or more and regain our own strengths that way." Zeldris said, and the others seemed to agree.

"You'll be destroyed that way." She said, playing with her cracked crystal.

"Alright, it's decided. Let's split up." Zeldris said as the others shot off, leaving three. Zeldris, Marian, and Estarossa.

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