Chapte 8: The Truth

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"What was that for?" Hawk asked as he sneezed due to the smoke left behind from Marian.

"Sir Hawk, come here." Merlin said as the pig trotted over. A surprised expression spread across her face as she looked into the Pigs eyes. "Sir Hawk... your eyes are a portal into purgatory!" She said after a few moments.

"The Demon King... he's been watching all of our moves through Hawk." King concluded.

"That's why Marian and Meliodas were acting so weird around Hawk. They were able to see through his eyes. How very interesting..."


Marian gracefully landed on the balcony of Camelot Castle, two shiny Commandments floating just above her right hand. She didn't like the air - it was stuffy, humid, and filled with tension. It was unsettling. The double doors burst open in front of her as she walked towards them.

"Let's get this over with.." she said to the others in the room, her brothers and their masters. Out of all of them, she was the only one who stood alone.

"With a grand total, we have Meliodas and Zeldris with four, Estarossa with two, and Marian with two! Winner is Meliodas and Zeldris." Chimed Chandlier.

Marian growled as she snapped her fingers, causing her Commandments to disappear. "This isn't how I wanted it to go.." she growled.

Meliodas held out hand, waiting for the other Commandments. With a sigh, Estarossa and Zeldris gave theirs over. Marian was the only who refused.

"You can't have them." She said as she hid her hand under her cloak. Suddenly, Elizabeth screamed from behind Meliodas. A small tendril of darkness was around her neck. Although it was small, it was deadly, and was slowly choking her. "Surrender your Commandments or I'll kill her." Marian stated, her voice ice cold.

For a moment, no one spoke. All that was heard was Elizabeth's desperate gasps for air. Meliodas was clearly torn. He didn't want to see the love of his life die again, but on the other hand, he wanted their nightmare to end.

He took a deep breath and said "Do it," almost daring Marian to kill his lover. Marian had a lost expression on her face as the tendril let up, retreating back to its master.

"Heartless Bastard." She muttered, taking her hand out from under her cloak. She snapped her fingers and the two Commandments she collected floated above her hand. "But you still can't have these. I will be queen."

"You have no claim to the throne, Marian." Zeldris pointed out.

"What? Of course I do, I'm the oldest of four, and we're all royals. Is it because I'm a girl?!" She yelled, infuriated.

"No, Marian, it's because you aren't related to the Demon King at all."

"What..?" Marian, Meliodas, and Elizabeth all seemed confused.

"Before Sir Meliodas was born, the General Anceria found a crying demon child. She was alone, and radiated such a strong power, that the softie brought the girl before the King. Since he had no children, she suggested that he take the child in and make her the heir. Of course, once his son was born, he decided it would be better to make her a weapon and Sir Meliodas the heir. So, he transferred part of his power to her. He had Anceria train her to control the powers, and he trusted this information to his closest colleges; Anceria, Cusak, Peronia, and I. You where supposed to be our key in the war against Stigma, but then you turned tail and fled." Chandler explained with a blank expression.

"Wh-what?" Marian seemed lost as Meliodas took the opportunity to take the Commandments from her. He absorbed all of them, ready to become the demon king, but nothing happened. "What did you do?" He asked Marian, not seeming to notice her rapidly depleting mental state.

"That won't work, Young Master. You see, Marian has the last bit of the Demon Kings Powers necessary rry to become the Demon King. In fact, she has enough power to be equal to all ten of the Commandments combined. Somehow, I don't think she'll give up that power willingly." Chandlier explained.

Suddenly Marian screamed and collapsed to her knees, her eyes and mouth emitting bright light. The castle around them slowly deteriorated, pieces of flooring floating around the girl.

She flew at Meliodas, grabbing him by the neck and pinning him to a wall.

"Meliodas!" Elizabeth cried out as she ran over without hesitation, grabbing Marian's wrist. What she saw when she looked at the girl horrified her. Her eyes where small and purple under the light, her hair was wild and spiky, and the darkness was forming spiky armor.

"You lies to me! You left me! You took everything away from me!" Marian cried at the man she though was her brother. "I suffered for you, and this is how I get repaid! Well no more. Now I'll take everything you ever loved away from you, and I'll kill you myself!" She slapped Elizabeth across the face to get her away. "Your time will come soon, Goddess. Your death will be the last thing he sees." She muttered something else under her breath, and the two lovers could feel a weight being lifted off their chests. "This will be your final death, Elizabeth." She formed a blade on her hand and stabbed it through the girl's stomach. Elizabeth coughed up blood and collapsed as the blade was pulled out. She mouthed something to Meliodas, before she laid her head on the floor, eyes closed, chest unmoving.

"ELIZABETH!" He cried as he rushed to his lover, eyes spilling with tears. He spun around to face the beserking Marian a moment later, eyes filled with hatred. He formed a similar armor to her, although the light He emitted was a dark purple. "YOU KILLED HER!"

"And this time neither of you will come back." She spat venomously. "It's as Chandler said. I have more power then the Ten Commandments combined. I lifted your curse. You should be thanking me. I did what you wanted."

"THIS ISN'T WHAT I WANTED! This isn't how I wanted it to happen!" He cried.

"Well life doesn't do what you want it to! Life is never simple!" She growled as a tear slipped down her cheek. "Life wants you to suffer! It doesn't care what you want!" She sprinted forward and tried the same thing on Meliodas, but he blocked the bloody blade. Instead, he stabbed her through the chest. The darkness spread to puncture all seven of her hearts.

"Goodbye Marian." He whispered to her. "You where the best sister I could have asked for. Rest now. Your suffering is over." He tried to smile at her as she looked up at him, shocked at first, then sorrowful and happy.

"You where always my favorite brother." She croaked, and then she was gone. The light faded and the castle began to crumble.

"Sir Meliodas, we must go!" Chandler grabbed his arm.

"Get Elizabeth." He ordered as he carried Marian in his arms. As he looked around he realized everyone else had fled. The two made it out of the castle just as it fell completely. Meliodas finally let himself cry as he looked at the bodies of the only two women who had ever loved him; his sister and his lover. Their deaths where his fault.

He dismissed Chandler as he put Elizabeth down. The boys master knew he needed to be left alone, so he went to find the other two princes and his fellow masters.


"This is where I left him." Chandler said as he rounded a bit of rubble. He stopped as he saw the scene before him. There where two graves made out of the rubble, in what used to be the garden of Camelot. In between them lay Meliodas, who had stabbed himself through all of his hearts, finally ending his painful life. He was no longer in his demon form. He lay there, completely human, with his lover and sister, a smile on his face.

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