Chapter 7: Her Tears

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As the two saw the Boar hat in the distance, Marian immediately recognized one of the figures hovering outside. She bolted towards the figure, leaving a trail of dust behind her. Chandler reached a tendril of darkness towards her, but she was to fast.

She drew her fist back and it connected with a hand. The hand effortlessly held her fist, keeping her from moving away or hurting the target. "You all were just using me..!" She yelled at the figure, eyes and mouth still glowing faintly purple-white.

"Hm?" Said the other, with a bored expression.

"I was just meant to be a weapon, a tool! None of you actually cared for me!" She shrieked at the man, who turned out to be Meliodas. His dark side had taken control, and he was holding Elizabeth with his other arm. If he noticed the tear slipping down her cheek, he said nothing.

She tried multiple times to jerk her fist back, but his grip was to tight. "What's up with you, Marian?" He asked, although his tone stayed uninterested.

She closed her eyes as the tears fell  down her cheeks, leaving small stains. The glowing ceased and she was herself again, no immense power radiating from her like before. "It's not like you'd care. You never did." She jerked her arm back, but he wouldn't let go of her fist. "Let go."


"Tch." She took a knife from her belt and cut off her arm, blood dropping down to the terrain below. She pulled on her disconnected arm, taking it back from Meliodas. She winced as it reconnected to her arm in a purple light. "That'll leave a scar.." she muttered as she watched the dark matter swirl around her shoulder. "But you still wouldn't care, right?" She asked, trying to act lighthearted.

"Tch... go back to the palace." He said simply.

"No! I'm staying, you have some explaining to do." She snapped.

"Go." He said as he pushed her chest forcefully, sending her flying. She coughed up blood as she landed on a far away mountain, taking a moment to regain her breath.

She shot back at Meliodas, but he flew off when she got to the tavern. "Damn.. I missed him." She muttered as she watched him fly off with Elizabeth and Chandler.


"Huh..?" She looked down at the Sins gathered below her feet. "What do you want?" She created a small ball of darkness in her hand, ready to shoot it at them.

"Marian, why did you just attack the Captain?!" Asked Diane.

King asked another question before she could respond. "What was happening with your eyes and mouth. And that strange mark on your forehead..."

"Don't worry about it." She said blankly.

"Marian, the captain took Elizabeth! He said he's going to do something to keep her alive forever!" Diane yelled up to her.

"He did what?!" She shrieked, obviously pissed. She muttered enraged words under her breath, which the others couldn't hear. "UGH! Whatever, I'll sort it out later." She ran a hand through her long silver hair in frustration.

"Come on Marian, we have to get moving!" King said as the others ran inside the Boar Hat.

"We?" She asked, not moving from her place in the sky.

"Yeah, you're coming with us, right?"

"No, why would I? The only reason I was going to help you was because Meliodas was helping you. Now that he isn't, I won't either." She explained, sighing. "But, since Meliodas showed you mercy, I'll do the same, for now. But if I see any of you again..." she flew down and grabbed king by the collar, holding him up to her eye level. "I will show no mercy." She flapped her wings and flew off in the direction of Meliodas and Elizabeth, leaving behind the astonished sins.

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