Beautiful Soul

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Peyton texted Sarah to open up and let us out soon after, then…I honestly don’t remember much after that. We might have had something to eat, or listened to the music, or something – I’m not really sure – my head was elsewhere. Thoughts, rushing wildly, madly, recollecting what had gone down between Peyton and I.

“And I like that idea more than I thought I would, and more than that everytime I think about it.”

He’d been talking about us. He and I, together, as a couple.

It was as though the realization hadn’t struck me as he’d said it, rather, half, or maybe one hour later, and I couldn’t help the little ‘o’ that escaped my lips as it dawned upon me. Peyton liked me as much as I did him!

There is no way he could have heard me over the blaring music, yet, just after, he leaned down close and spoke into my ear, asking if I was alright. Does that mean he’s been standing so close to me? Has he been staring at me? Because, he does like me and…

I shook my head, trying to think about him as my best friend. Nothing more. His expression changed to one of concern, and I realized he might have interpreted that as me telling him that I wasn’t alright. I nodded hastily to reassure him I was fine.

What had I said after that?

“There’s a ‘but’ though, isn’t there?”

I stifled the groan. What had I done? Why had I said that? I could just have thrown myself at him and, oh, God, kissed him and…wouldn’t have happened.

Would it?

Feeling increasingly disappointed, even horrified to a certain degree as to what I’d done, I tried to think back. What else had I said? What else did I have to regret?

“We’re friends again.”

“Like, none of this happened?”

I panicked. What if Peyton thought that I didn’t want any of this to have happened? I mean, I had told him then that I’d prefer we didn’t pretend…but what if he thought I only said that later, because I felt pressurized to say that?

But then again, he’d promised to think about it…

I sighed. I was overthinking it.

“I’m going out for a bit,” I told my friends. We were standing against the wall- Sarah had joined us at some point, I was too distracted to notice when, and they were engaged in some conversation.

“What?” I saw Peyton mouth.

I pointed towards the door and he nodded.


I hadn’t realized just how stuffy it had been inside till the cool air of the night hit me. The house I’d emerged from was stereotypical, conforming to the usual houses where parties were thrown, on TV that is, so outside the main house was a patch of lush grass, the other side of the footpath leading to the door occupied by a driveway and garage. A fence surrounded the house, and the street it faced was packed with cars.

You know the works.

A few people were walking about, mostly headed to the back- a few were couples, walking hand in hand, laughing. I felt another pang of jealousy.

I sighed, trying to forget about it all, uncaring as to whether or not anybody was watching, and took a seat on the grass, then fell back on it.

The sky wasn’t that starry jazz, or clear, even, nor was it entirely black. It was more…red, and the clouds weren’t the usual white or grey. There wasn’t much t be seen, either; I could only make out Orion’s belt.

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