The Upside Down Battle

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I hope you liked the last chapter.

Hydros POV

"Let's fight spidery boy" Hydro said to the the demagrogan leader.

Hydro was in the upside down battling the demagrogan leader. He got his wife years and years ago, and that made him MAD.

Moons POV

She could see everything that went on in the upside down. She could see it through mind reading Hydros thoughts. 

"We have to help him" Moon said Qibli helping Dolphin get into the ship. She was unconscious but breathing. 

"Let's wait until she wakes up and she can help, remember she has the same powers as Hydro" Qibli said.

"But how do we wake her up?"

"Where is Turtle" Moon said.

"With Kinkajou at the pool" Qibli said.

"He can help us wake her up" said Moon.

Turtles POV

Moon, Qibli, and a Seawing came to him for help.

"Turtle we need you to wake Dolphin up" said Moon.

"Wait that is Hydros wife!"

"Yes, now we need you to wake her up so she can help us get hydro out of the upside down" said Moon.

"Ok, I enchant this necklace to wake up Dolphin this one time" said Turtle grabbing Dolphin's necklace Hydro gave to her 2000 years ago.

Just like that Dolphin woke up. 

"Ah, where am I!"

"You on a space cruise ship and we are friends of Hydro" Turtle said.

"Where is Hydro!"

"The upside down, he took your spot to save you, then we brought you back here and Turtle enchanted your necklace to wake you up" Moon said.

"We need your help to get him out" Qibli said.

"Ok but it won't be easy" Dolphin said.

Dolphin's POV

She had just been awoken and she was being ask to save her husband from the upside down.

She sat down closed her eyes and enchanted herself into the upside down. Their her husband was. Battling a demon just to save her.

She jumped up creating a water spear just like Hydro can and did to stop Lightningstrike. Stabbing it in the head. That didn't stop it.

"Dolphin what are you doing here!" 

"Helping you" Dolphin said.

"I know what I have to do" Hydro said.


"I'm gonna have to regenerate."

"No I can't risk losing you again" Dolphin said.

"Sorry Dolphin, this isn't your fault or battle, I will be back" said Hydro.

"Promise" Dolphin said.

"I promise" Hydro said.

Then he stabbed himself and regenerated. Killing the monster.

Then she woke up. And he was gone.

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