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Hey guys I checked my viewers, and it was 246, then thirty minutes later, I have 290 viewers! Also a shout out to complexthenightwing, my first person to right in the comments! Thank you for your support :-).

Moons POV
It had been 1 week sense Qibli, Turtle, and Deathbringer had gone missing. They were in Thorns stronghold.
"Thorn, you said you recorded every attack from Vulture and his gang right" Moon asked.
"Yeah, why" Thorn asked curiously.
"Because their might be a pattern to their attack locations" Moon said looking at a map of the Sandwing kingdom.
"Guards get the attack locations please" Thorn told one of her guards. The guards went and got the attack locations. Moon began to look over it.
"Kinkajou, Glory, can you please read the locations while I Mark them and find the pattern" Moon said handing them the scroll.
"Ok, X:35 Y:-43, X:26 Y:-37, X:19 Y:-28, X:8 Y:-14" Kinkajou and Glory said together.
"That's it, it creates a big circle around the location, I know where to find them" Moon said with joy.
"Let's stay 2 days so I can send Rainwings over with blow darts" Glory said.
"No, I don't want anybody from your tribe getting hurt, neither any of you" Thorn said.
"Please Thorn we to save our loved ones" Kinkajou said.
"And I need to save my son" Thorn said walking over to a guard.
"Listen Thorn I need to save Qibli" Moon said begging to go with them.
"Same" Glory said.
"No, I don't want anyone dead because of them" Thorn said shaking her head no.
"Hey, you know I can declare war here" Glory said.
"But you won't" Thorn said.
"Guards make sure they don't get out until we come back with the hostages" Thorn said to her guards.
"Wait, let me contact Hydro he can help" Moon said getting a holographic projector up.
"Hydro, we found them, they are at the Sandwing kingdom, come to the stronghold, and we will tell you the rest" Moon said to Hydro.
"Ok on my way with NOVA squad" Hydro said then ending the call.

Time jump 2 days later
Qibli's POV
They had barely eaten in days. They were given nausea pills everyday, just so they can throw up the food they ate everyday.
"Do you think they are looking for us"  Turtle asked.
"Yeah" Qibli said hanging on to that little hope he had. They were all weak, barely able to walk, fly, or see.
"Do you guys here something" Deathbringer said.
"Yeah why" Qibli said.
"Because I think this is a attempt rescue" Deathbringer said.
"We have been in here for 13 days, still hearing the same stuff" Turtle said stressed out.
Then their was a loud BOOM, and then the wall was blown off. And in came Moon, Glory, and Kinkajou.
"Come on" Moon said unlocking their chains. Then Moon, Kinkajou, and Glory helped pick up Qibli, Turtle, and Deathbringer. When they walked out Qibli saw star shaped ships flying around and bombing the building. Then Vulture came running out of the building with a spear in his hand. Close by was Dessert, Sandwings and Skywings.
"You will give me Thorns head if it kills me" Vulture yelled 12 feet away.
Then a incoming bomb dropped on Vulture killing him and injuring everyone else close by. Vulture was no more.
"Come on we need to get you on the ship" Moon yelled.
"What ship?" Turtle yelled back.
"That ship" Moon pointed at a large arrow shaped space ship.
"We're almost there" Glory told them.
"Get in we must hurry" Hydro yelled to them. Qibli turned around and saw Dessert, on the ground.
"You will pay for this" Qibli heard her say. Then climbed up on to the ship, helping Turtle and Deathbringer up.
"Let's get out of here" Hydro told the pilot of the ship. Then they flew off into the distance heading for Jade Mountain.

Time jump 2 hours later
Moons POV
They had just landed at Jade Mountain from getting back from the Sandwing kingdom. Moon staying with Qibli the whole time.
"Are you ok" Moon said examining his wings, back head, and legs.
"Yes I'm fine" Qibli said sounding weak.
"Come on let's get you to the infirmary" Moon said helping him over to the infirmary and onto the hospital bed. The doctor then examining his heart and stomach.
"He had lost 3/4 of his weight, and energy, so he will need to take nutrient pills, and energy pills, also make sure he eats a lot, it will help" the Rainwing doctor said.
"Thank you" Moon said.
Then Moon helped Qibli out of the infirmary and into their sleeping caves kitchen table.
"Here try this" Moon said handing a plate of raw meat.
"Yes please" Qibli said grabbing the meat but dropped it because he was shaking a lot.
"It's ok Qibli, it's ok" Moon said helping him eat.
"Here take this" Moon said handing him the nutrients and energy pills.
Qibli began to shake again. Moon put a talon on his to try to calm him down. It worked. Qibli shook his head weakly and eat the pills.
"Come on let's go to bed" Moon said helping Qibli to the bed then helping him up.
"Goodnight Qibli" Moon said.
"Goodnight My Moonlight" Qibli said weakly. then they fell asleep.

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