character Bio

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welcome to my fanfic A Scarred Heart this is my first fanfiction so I will try my best in writing it.

name: Scarlett crevan

gender: female

speics: hybrid/half breed  ( 1/2 demon, 1/4 grim reaper, 1/4 human)

height: 5"5

eyes: blue
hair: brown and curly with a small braid on the left side similar to her father's

length: long


Likes: animals, reading and drawning

dislikes: most demons and reapers because of they treating her like Vermon, spiders

mom: holly mills- decreased

speics:half breed (3/4 demon, 1/4 human)

father: Adrian crevan ( the undertaker)


speics: grim reaper

Scarlett's mom died well giving birth to her and she was raised by father Adrian crevan also known as the undertaker. because Scarlett is a hybrid between a demon, grim reaper and a human she is consider a freak and because of that she was hated by both demons and reapers alike. she is also consider weird or crazy by the people of London because she does not act how a lady should act. it also didn't help that her father was also known as the crazy undertaker. but she didn't care about what people think about her or her family  because she been an outcast all her life. despite he father trying to protect Scarlett always seems to fined herself in some kind of trouble. when she was 10 a group of demons attacked her leaving a scar on her face that closely resembles the one her father has on his face. unlike most reaper Scarlett doesn't have the lime greeny eyes because she is more demon then reaper But she can see the cinmatc records of the dying. but until demon she didn't have a true form or demonic power other than speed and strength. Scarlett has trust issues do to being treated like a freak. she has a few friends that just happen to be reapers but they don't seem to care about her being a hybrid/half breed and those are Ronald knoxs who she calls Knoxs and grell sutcliff.

this is what Scarlett looks like just add a scar across her face like the undertaker and blue eyes and a small braid on the left side of her head and that's Scarlett

this is what Scarlett looks like just add a scar across her face like the undertaker and blue eyes and a small braid on the left side of her head and that's Scarlett

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A Scarred Heart ( Sebastian x OC) ( Complete) ( Slowy Editing)Where stories live. Discover now