Chapter 5- Recovery and horse back riding

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After Scarlett was rescued from the demons by Sebastian and Claude. She spent the next 2 weeks recovery at the Phantomhive monar. In those 2 weeks Scarlett has gotten very close to the servants and Ciel. Ciel would come everyday into her room and play chess with her and the servants would come in and talk with her. To even Ciel's surprise she has even got closer to Sebastian and even Claude who would come and visit her every other day. After her 2 weeks of recovering Scarlett was able to go home.

(Time skip to Scarletts room a few days after she gets home )

The sun was just starting to rise when Scarlett awake from her sleep. " good morning bandit" she says greeting her dog. After Scarlett got dressed, her and bandit quietly went down stairs to the kitchen. Scarlett fills bandit's food and water bowls and makes herself bread with jam. Once she was finished her breakfast she goes to see if her father needed any help in the shop but when she enter the front of the shop he was not there. A note was left on his desk.


I went into town to get suppiles. I will be back later to night please stay out of trouble.

Love papa

" papa went into town I guess" she says to herself

" Bandit want to go riding papa will never know and he just said to stay out of trouble not to stay home" she smirks at her own words.
So Scarlett heads towards the small sable behind the shop that was big enough to hold 2 horses.
She saddles up her horse nightmare who was a beautiful pure black mustang. She hops up on to nightmare and kicks his side's gently. " let's go bandit" she calls to her dog. She rides towards the Phantomhive monar to go see Sebastian. She would never admit it to anyone but she was starting for fall for Sebastian.

( time skip)

Scarlett arrives at the monar and gets off nightmare. She heads to the door and knocks Sebastian opens the door

" hello how can I help you, Oh Lady Scarlett I was not expecting to see you back so soon" he smiles

" I was wondering if you wanted to go riding with me " she asked

" I would love to my lady, I just happen to have finshed all my work and am free " he say.

Scarlett gets on to nightmare and waits for Sebastian to get a horse from the stables. When he come black he is on a lovely chestnut mare. They both ride off.

( small time skip - 30 mins)

Scarlett and Sebastian stop and take a break well letting the horses rest.

" I see you brought your dog with you" he says with disgust in his voice.

" Not much of a dog person are you" Scarlett mocks.

" No I prefer cats to those mutts " he says

Scarlett just rolls her eyes and giggles. The two of them spend the rest of the day talking and laughing.

" Lady Scarlett would you like to come to the ball that my master is holding tomorrow " Sebastian asks

" Please just call me Scarlett I'm no lady, I would love to come Sebastian thank you " she says well giving him a hug. Sebastian was taken back by the hug for a second but hugged her back shortly after. Scarlett had just realized how late it had gotten.

" SHIT" she yelled

"what's wrong" Sebastian asked

" I need to go papa is going to kill me, I should of been home hours ago" she says

Sebastian and Scarlett quickly say there goodbyes and both head off. When Scarlett arrive back at the shop. She see her fathers horse in the stable. " I'm in so much shit" she thought as she Put nightmare away and fed him. She makes her way into the shop where she see a very angry Undertaker sitting at his desk.

" Where have you been young lady" Undertaker asked in a serious tone.

" I was out riding with Sebastian and he invited me to a ball tomorrow night " she says nervously.

" Well you are not going to that ball you know you should of stayed home or at the very least left me a note young lady, Your grounded for the next 3 days " he says sterly.

" But papa thats not fair " Scarlett whines

" I don't care Scarlett" undertaker replies



" I HATE YOU PAPA " Scarlett yells and she runs up stairs to her room.

Undertaker sighs that girl is going to be the death of me one day.


Hey guys I finally go chapter 5 done it's really crappy written I had so writers block and some of this was just filler.

Do you guys think undertaker was too hard in Scarlett or she Scarlett just listen to her father.

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