Chapter 3-Scarlett's Missing

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After the events of the night before Scarlett was to stay in her room the following day. Her father was not happy with her actions and had grounded her for the next few days. Scarlett sighs " it's so boring in here by my self but I'm not apologizing to papa". After a few more hours Scarlett was even more bored so she decides she is going to sneak out and see if see can find her friends Grell and Knoxs. Scarlett grabs her small shoulder bag and puts some coins in the small change purse she has and grabs bandits leash then clips it to his collar. she slowly walks down the stairs that lead from her room to the living area of the shop. " we have to to quiet bandit or else papa will hear us and I will be in even more trouble" she whispers to her dog. Scarlett looks in to the main shop hoping her father was in the back room and thankfully he was. Scarlett quickly made it to the front door and opened it quietly and quickly then quietly shutting it. After that she and bandit made a run for it into town hoping to find Grell or Knoxs or even both of them.

( short time skip - 1 hour)

Scarlett ends up finding her friend Ronald. " what's up knoxs" she yelled to her friend. " hi doll, nothing really just over time again " he sighs. Knoxs and Scarlett spend the rest of the day together talking about life and Scarlett talks about the fight with her father and how she got grounded. Even thought she felt safe with Knoxs she still felt like she was being watched and she was right. Two demon came out of no where and started attacking Scarlett and Knoxs. He trys to fight them off with the help of Scarlett dog bandit but its a loseing battle. " RUN" Knoxs yelled at Scarlett. She ran as fast as she could with her demon speed but she was no match for the older demon. " Gotch you " the demon said. Scarlett started to scream but was quickly slients when I rag covered in strong chemicals is placed over her mouth. she tries to fight but her vision slowly faded to black.

( mean while back at the undertaker shop)

Undertaker noticed his daughter was missing when he went to check on her. After he saw she was missing he went looking for her but all he found was her injured dog. he takes bandit back to the shop and treats the dogs wounds. There was a knock on the front door undertaker opens it to see a very injured Ronald. " what happen to you" Undertaker ask Ronald. " I was hanging out with Scarlett when 2 demons came out of nowhere and attack us me and bandit tried to fight  them off, But they where to strong for me to handle on my own and they got Scarlett" Ronald explained to undertaker. " This is not good but first let get up you  patched up" says Undertaker leading Ronald to the back room to take care of his wounds. After he  cared for Ronald's wounds he decided to call the Phantomhive monar. If anyone could find his daughter it would be Sebastian even though he didn't really like the demon.

( phone call)

Sebastian: Phantomhive monar, This is Sebastian how can I help you.

undertaker: Hi, butler I need your help.

Sebastian: Undertaker, what can I help you with.

undertaker: Scarlett was kidnapped by demons and since your a demon I was hoping you would help me find her.

Sebastian: I will do what I can to help.

undertaker: thank you, butler
( end of phone call)

After the phone call Sebastian explained to Ciel what is going one and Ciel gave him permission to help Undertaker.
Sebastian set out to start looking for Scarlett he had a bad feeling she was in grave danger. Undertaker went out as well to look though the town in hope of finding his daughter.


I hope you guys enjoy the chapter and what is happening to Scarlett is she in danger will Sebastian and undertaker get to her in time only time will tell.

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