A confession of a Kpop idol by poem

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I'm Min Ji Young. My friend is a very very very famous idol here and he wants to send a message to everyone. We met in a food chain and gave this letter to me. I cried when I read it and want you to be aware on your idol's feelings.

"They say that I’m always brightly smiling
They say that I don’t know such a thing as pain
But my heart is crying
I say in my brightly smiling heart
I’m covered by a dark shadow
I hate myself for being like that but my sad heart will smile some day

The after hours of nighttime that always comes is my companion
It comes to me in case I get lonely from being alone
When the sun sets, tears well up without reason
Suddenly thinking of how I got dumped by a past lover
How I held back tears as I looked at the night sky
How I swallowed my tears, not being able to cry, like a fool

It comes when I cry in case I get lonely
This place without you has stopped in time
Don’t go too far away, stay where you are
Please wait for me, stay where you are
I’m going crazy, being alone here during the wee hours of night
The mug cup you worked so hard to make for me has shattered
A piece of it got stuck in my hand and I’m bleeding but why am I blaming you?

It’s a cold cold world out there
Sometime I feel as f nobody cares
I‘m down down down
Can somebody save me now

Though it’s hard
I gotta get up, don’t give up now
Even my sad heart will smile some day"

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