Fractured But Whole

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"What the fuck Felix?!" Sean hissed as he stormed out of the bathroom and stuffed his phone back into his pocket.

"Look, I'll take care of the picture. You go and try to catch the copies of you." Felix instructed.

"Why did you clone me?" Sean growled furiously.

"I didn't, I'll try and-"

Felix abruptly broke off, a realization dawning on him.

"Okay, I'll explain everything once you catch them all." Felix promised as he lightly shoved Sean towards the door.

"I have to go, thanks for having me!" Sean told Marzia hastily.

"What's wrong?" Signe interjected.

"I just gotta go home since I'm not feeling great, you can stay here and hang out." Sean spoke in a rush before darting our the door and into the night.

He ran towards the pier, glad that it was night since no one could see him through the dark except for when he would run past car headlights.

He could see the doppelgängers standing at the end of the pier once he reached the entrance of the pier. They looked extremely lost and confused since no one was around due to the fact that the pier shops were closed at night.

One copy was dressed in magician attire that included a cat mask, dark blue t-shirt, black jeans, and a black cape that was tied around his neck, his blue eyes the only thing visible past the mask.

The copy next to him looked exactly like a zombie version of him dressed in a black and neon green hoodie, as well as black pants ripped and covered in dried blood, one of his eyes dangling out of its socket much to Sean's disgust.

Another one had on a bright red jumpsuit with a blue mask around his eyes, his hair mostly hidden by the suit.

The fourth one seemed unconscious since he was lying on the ground with his head held by a different doppelgänger, his chest barely moving with each breath. He had on a light blue shirt, black pants, a white lab coat, light blue mouth mask, black rectangular framed glasses, and a white medical cap that partially covered his hair, a stethoscope hanging around his neck.

The one holding the doctor doppelgänger's head in his lap looked completely normal since he was dressed in a regular looking knot dark gray shirt, black pants, and had on a light gray snapback hat.

The last one was dressed in a long sleeve button up white shirt with black pants and a dark blue vest, black bow tie tied around his neck, and a black top hat perched on his head, a small monocle in hand.

"Guys what do we do, Schneep's hurting pretty bad after what Anti did." The clone with the snapback hat remarked worriedly.

"I don't know Chase, I don't even know where we are!" The red clad clone exclaimed in irritation.

"Robbie hates anger." The zombie clone growled sourly.

"Sorry big guy." The superhero apologized huffily, not really sounding sorry at all.

"This is so fucking weird." Sean muttered under his breath as he listened to the clones that looked and sounded almost exactly like him.

"Look, if we're here, then Sean has to be nearby." The magician clone reasoned.

"Robbie see Sean!" The zombie apparently called Robbie exclaimed happily, running on his hands and knees like a creepy creature towards him.

Sean instinctively turned around and started running away, running he fastest he's ever ran in his life.

It still wasn't enough.

The superhero clone flew up into the air and landed in front of Sean, cutting off his escape.

"Sean wait, we need your help!" The superhero pleaded, placing a hand on Sean's shoulder.

"Why the hell do you all look like me? What the hell is happening?!" Sean snapped.

"Sean...don't go..." Chase panted, out of breath as he ran to catch up to the others with the doctor in his arms and the magician helping.

On his neck was a long red cut that was still bleeding, staining his white lab coat red.

"We'll explain later, but-"

"No, I'm tired of everyone saying that they'll explain things later, tell me now!" Sean barked angrily, cutting off the magician.

"Uhh, Jackaboy-Man?" Chase spoke up.

"It's fine, we'll talk." Jackaboy-Man sighed in defeat.

"We're splinters of your personality, each of us representations of your characteristics and passions. I'm the part of you that wants to help people and keeps wanting you to do YouTube." Jackaboy-Man explained patiently.

"Robbie called mistake!" The zombie announced proudly.

"I represent your childish side that still believes that there's magic in the world." Marvin chimed in.

"I'm your care free side that likes to be successful and keep your emotions in check when necessary." Chase interjected.

"And the good doctor Schneeplestien is your outgoing, caring side." Chase added, gesturing with his head at the clone in his arms.

The suit clad clone poked Marvin's arm to get his attention, his expression cross as he folded his arms across his chest poutingly.

"Oh yeah, and Jameson Jackson is your creative, imaginative side that is also your only mute personality oddly enough." Marvin remarked.

"He's mute?" Sean repeated dumbly.

Jameson nodded in response, a smile lighting up his face that wiped away his former anger instantly.

"Look, we really do have to go...Anti did a number on the doc." Chase huffed nervously, impatiently shifting from foot to foot as he adjusted the glasses on the doctor's face to keep them from falling off.

"Alright, I have an idea. Follow me." Sean instructed, leading the clones towards his house.

Signe was still at Felix's house, allowing the seven to be alone temporarily.

"Wait here." Sean directed as he left them in the living room, disappearing into his recording room to call Felix.

"What's up?" Felix answered after a couple of rings, his voice tinged with curiosity.

"I have the clones, can you have Signe stay at your house until I find out what to do with them?" Sean asked.

"You got it, I'll come over and help you with them." Felix offered.

"Sounds good-"

Sean broke off when he heard the sound of shattering glass emanate from the living room.

Sean poke his head out of the room to see Robbie trying to eat the glass he had smashed out of the tv, Jackaboy-Man doing his best to hold him back.

Chase had laid the doctor down on the couch, his head resting on Chase's lap even though blood was pooling onto his pants.

Marvin was watching Robbie and Jackaboy-Man wrestle with an amused glint in his eyes as he absent mindlessly pulled a deck of cards out of his pocket and began shuffling them.

"Come fast please." Sean sighed wearily before hanging up and rubbing his face with his hands, wondering what he was supposed to do with the bunch.

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