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"You're all so pathetic, I've only gotten stronger this entire time!" Anti declared cockily, seemingly hundreds of knives circling around him in the air like a tornado with him in the center.

His sister had disappeared before returning with a double barrel shot- gun, her expression unreadable.

"Robbie can win." Robbie retorted confidently.

"How so zombie-boy?" Anti's sister taunted.

"Robbie has determination." Robbie replied, the other egos rallying around him.

"Marvin, distract her while I go for Anti!" Jackaboy-Man directed as he charged through the whirlwind of knives, feeling the blades through his suit and into his skin.

Marvin nodded as he tossed a card at Anti's sister, creating a devil trap around her to keep her trapped.

"I can still shoot." She reminded him smugly.

From out of nowhere, a bullet flew through the air, bounced off of the wall behind her, and hit the gun with enough force to knock it out of her hands.

"And now you don't. Magic." Chase interjected, twirling his own pistol in his hand proudly.

Jackaboy-Man was losing strength, feeling blood flowing all over his body from the multiple wounds he had sustained by just trying to reach Anti.

"It's great to see my greatest enemy look so defeated." Anti mused wryly, not bothering to even attack as Jackaboy-Man fell to his knees.

"You...can't win..." Jackaboy-Man spat vehemently.

"What's sad is that you're right. Even when I kill all of you, I won't be what I want to. However, at least I'll finally get my revenge." Anti shrugged as he bent down on one knee in front of Jackaboy-Man so he could look at him directly in the eyes.

"And I'll start my revenge with you." Anti laughed.

"So we're just supposed to sit back and wait for them to hopefully defeat Anti?" Felix huffed in annoyance from where he was lying against the wall next to Sean.

"Unless you got some secret super powers." Sean retorted.


"Why the hell did you listen to Anti anyway?!" Sean snapped furiously, cutting Felix off.

"I just wanted to keep Marzi, Signe, and the pugs safe! They're my friends!" Felix protested defensively.

"So was I once." Sean muttered bitterly.

"Sean..." Felix trailed off with a weary sigh, rubbing his face in exasperation.

"I'm sorry." Felix apologized meekly.

"Sorry?! Sorry doesn't make up for leading the egos down here and nearly getting them killed, sorry doesn't change that I nearly died by electricity because of you, sorry doesn't make my friends trapped down here safe, and sorry sure as hell doesn't fix the fact that you purposefully locked me in a room with Anti for months!" Sean yelled, glaring at his so-called friend.

"I couldn't move, I couldn't do anything on my own. He made me leave the cell and kill people before coming back before you would visit, pretending that I hadn't moved. I killed all of the scientists as they tried to escape...I almost killed Robin too." Sean whispered dejectedly, his head hung in shame.

Divided (Sequel to Experiment A)Where stories live. Discover now