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"I came as fast I could-"

Felix broke off mid sentence once he got inside the house, his gaze swiveling around to look at the clones of his friend surrounding him.

"Well, I knew that you had clones, but five of them? Oh boy." Felix muttered as he ran a hand through his hair.

"What the hell am I supposed to do with them?!" Sean exclaimed in frustration.

"I'd help your clone that's currently bleeding out on your couch." Felix suggested, gesturing at Chase and Schneeplestien.

"Right, kinda forgot. How do I help heal a personified part of my personality anyway?" Sean wondered aloud, glancing at the other personalities for help.

"I'll take care of him." Marvin offered, retrieving a card he had picked from his deck of cards.

"Marvin, are you sure that's a good idea?" Jackaboy-Man interjected warily.

"I'll be fine, really." Marvin waved off his concern.

He waved the card face down over Schneep's neck, causing the cut to instantly disappear without even a scar much to Sean and Felix's surprise.

Marvin stuck the card back into the deck once he finished, the color drained from his face as he sat down hard on the floor since the couch was taken up by Chase and Schneeplestien, his eyes showing his exhaustion.

"Vhat zhe hell happened?" Shcneep murmured groggily as he woke up, earning a relieved sigh from Chase.

"Thank god, you had me scared there Doc." Chase chuckled, gently pushing him up so he was in a sitting position so Jackaboy-Man could help Marvin stumble over and flop down onto the couch.

"Don't vorry Chase, zhe good doctor never dies. Now, vhere zhe hell are ve anyvay?" Schneeplestien asked as he looked around at his new surroundings.

"Why are you German if you're part of my personality?" Sean questioned.

"You know....I don't know." Schneeplestien admitted with a small shrug.

"Was this what you were waiting to talk to me about? The parts of my personality being personified?" Sean asked, turning on Felix.

"For the most part, but there's more. Anti's the one looking for you and the other personalities-"

"If it's all the same to you Felix, I'd rather be called an ego." Marvin cut in, the others nodding in agreement.

"Either way, he's looking for you and the egos and he had possessed you for months until he left without a reason, just a promise that we'd meet again." Felix continued.

"Zhat can't be good." Schneeplestien remarked.

"Alright, I have an idea. I'll have Signe stay over at our house until they're dealt with." Felix decided.

"How would we deal with them?" Sean frowned.

"I don't know, we'll figure it out." Felix huffed in mild irritation.

"Robbie don't trust you." Robbie growled as he poked Felix, his hands stained with blood from when he had broken the tv.

"Good to know the feeling's mutual." Felix retorted.

"Hey, back off." Chase warned, abruptly standing up and glaring at Felix.

"Do any of you know what Anti's planning?" Sean changed the subject.

"All I know is that he's very evil and can't be trusted." Jackaboy-Man chimed in grimly.

"Zhe last time I remember seeing him was when he-"

Schneeplestien cut himself off, his expression revealing that he'd rather not finish his sentence.

"Great." Sean sighed in exasperation, running a hand through mostly brown hair.

"What did he do?" Jackaboy-Man asked gently, kneeling down in front of the doctor ego so they were eye level.

"I couldn't save him I couldn't save any of them I'm failure it's all my fault." Schneeplestien spoke so rapidly that Sean could barely understand what he was saying, his hands nervously fidgeting with the stethoscope around his neck.

"Robbie help!" Robbie decided firmly as he crawled over to Schneep and curled up at his feet like a dog, hugging his legs.

"Slow down doc, what's wrong?" Chase asked in a calm tone despite the panic shining in his eyes.

Schneeplestien didn't answer as he quit messing with his stethoscope and moved onto squeezing the sleeves of his bloody lab coat, his eyes fixated on his legs to avoid making eye contact with anyone.

"Schneeplestien, please." Sean spoke up, placing his hands over Schneep's.

"He possessed me, and I-I couldn't save you. I couldn't save anyone. Anti, he...he made me slit my own throat and only laughed in my head while I screamed for help." Schneeplestien stammered, his eyes welling up with tears as he clutched the sleeves of his coat tighter.

"Shh, it's okay now. We're all here for you." Marvin consoled the emotional doctor with a sad smile.

Jameson nodded in agreement, waving his hand to crate a box of tissues that he handed to Schneeplestien.

"How did he do that?" Felix gasped in awe.

"He's Sean's creative side, he can make anything he wants." Jackaboy-Man stated as if the answer was obvious.

Sean felt his phone vibrate in his pocket, causing him to leave the living room and to go into his recording room.

"Sean, is it okay if I stay over at Felix and Marzia's? They offered to let me stay over so we can hang out while you get better." Signe asked hopefully.

"That's totally fine, I'll bring your stuff." Sean offered.

"I'll come over and get it since you're sick, don't worry about it." Signe assured him before hanging up.

"Okay everyone, I need you all to hide in my recording room temporarily since Signe's coming over." Sean announced as he re-entered the living room.

All of the egos were gone, as well as Felix.

"They hid fast." Sean remarked.

He packed up Signe's things and waited nervously by the door for her, practicing his sick demeanor.

"Hey Sean, how are you feeling?" Signe asked as she burst into the house, her expression sympathetic.

"I've been feeling a little better." Sean shrugged slightly, willing his movements to be sluggish.

"That's good to hear babe. Get better soon." Signe blew him a kiss as she took her things from him before walking back out into the night.

Sean let out a breath he didn't even realize he was holding in as he closed the door and sat down on the couch.

"Alright, you guys can come out now!" Sean called out.

None of them appeared.

"Guys?" Sean yelled louder, glancing around.

Still nothing.

Sean cursed under his breath as he called Felix, waiting impatiently for him to pick up.


"Are the egos with you?" Sean blurted, cutting Felix off.

"No, I thought they were with you. I went home when you went into your recording room." Felix explained.

"They're not with me." Sean stated frantically.

"Oh shit." Felix mumbled.

"Alright, you stay there while I go look for them." Sean instructed before hanging up.

"They can't of gotten far." Sean reasoned as he walked outside into the night, hoping that he would be right.

He didn't dare think about what would happen if Anti found them.

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