Chapter 1- The Weeping Angels

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I turned quickly when I heard movement and screamed. But wasn't that angel just on the other side of the garden? Now it was in my face with its teeth bare and hands outstretched like claws. What is this thing?

Heart pounding, I slowly made my way toward the garden gate, staring at the angel and feeling for the handle. Almost... there....

"Stay where you are!", I heard a voice call from behind the angel. "Whatever you do, don't look away and don't blink! It's the only thing to keep them from attacking!"

Don't blink and don't look away? Was this man crazy? I can't even win a staring contest!

Oh, you know what? I'll just blink with one eye at a time.

Finally, I felt the gate handle and made the mistake of turning away. I closed the gate from the other side and looked up with the angel in my face again. Screaming, I fell backward into the grass.

Then, I heard a weird noise from behind the angel. Not knowing what to do, I stood slowly and waited for something to happen. Anything.

Suddenly, its head rolled off its body and fell to the ground, breaking into a million pieces. The body then disintegrated, showing a man that was standing behind where the angel once was.

He was holding a blue-tipped device that was aiming where the neck of the angel was. His features shown he looked about mid-twenties, his hair was tousled, its color a shade of brown, but in the state of uncleanliness. He wore a blue button-up suit and blue pants, a red necktie, and red Converse-looking shoes. Was this the man who saved my life?

By the looks of no other people around, and those stupid enough to get near that... thing, he had to be the one.

He was staring at me with concern, his jaw set, like he was thinking. But how should I know? I didn't even know him.

His gaze moved away from mine then widened. Slowly, he made his way toward the gate, walked through, and strode around me.

How gentlemanly of him.

"Why are you here? This is not your planet! Killing innocent people is not a common thing, if you ask me!", I heard him say. I got up and turned to find him standing in front of four more angels, all standing in the same, slouched position.

Not turning his head, he asked me,"Are you okay?" I didn't reply and he didn't wait for one. He started walking backward slowly and he grabbed my hand to pull me away from them.

"Keep staring at them", he whispered. "Don't look away until I get back. Trust me." Then he was gone and I was stuck here, trapped by more angels and, for some reason, actually trusting this strange man. But then again, he seemed to know what he was doing.

I walked backward toward the gate again and leaned against it, crossing my arms.

"So, you're defenseless when you're being looked at, yeah? What kind of weakness is that? I mean, are you so fast that the naked eye can't see you? That's a reasonable explanation for how you caught up so fast without being heard", I rambled on just to pass the time, wondering what was taking so long with that man.

A bright light beamed down on us and it was so blinding that I had to shut my eyes. But then I realized my mistake. Trying to open my eyes was painful, so I sat there, waiting for something to happen to me. But nothing did.

Instead, once the lights dimmed, I noticed they stood in a circle now. I blinked.

Nothing happened.

"Well! I didn't think that was going to work!", I heard the man's voice from behind me and he was standing behind the gate, on which I was leaning on. I stood quickly and looked back and forth in confusion. "But- what- how did you-", I stuttered.

He chuckled and walked through the gate opening. "Oh, you know, just made them confused, which gave me enough time to beam them like that. You know when they look at each other, they can't move. Vision is their enemy", he walked passed me and went to inspect them. I just stood there like a dope. Beamed them like that? Like... A plasma beam?

I ran up to where he was and looked at one the angel's faces. "What do you mean by 'you beamed them like that'? These things look to weigh about a ton! What beam is strong enough to move these things?".

I went to touch it, but he grabbed my wrist. "One touch from these and you are going to be sent back in time in whatever time period they desire. So please, keep your hands to yourself".

Not letting go of my wrist he led me away from the angel circle. I then pulled my wrist away from his grip. "Who are you and why did you save me?", I asked him.

He turned to me. "Did you wish not to be saved?", he said sternly.

His question caught me by surprise. "I didn't mean it like that! I'm only asking why you bothered in the first place."

"Because I'm The Doctor", he said. "I saved you like any good being should've done. Now come. Follow me." He put his device away and walked toward the gate. I followed him, not knowing what to expect.


Thank you so much for reading the first chapter on what I hope people will begin to enjoy! Please be a huge support and vote and share this! Again, thank you for choosing this story!

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