Chapter 3- The Doctor's Testimony

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The Doctor stared at me for a moment. Then walked up to me and put his fingers to my temples. “I want you to relax and breathe evenly. This will only take a moment.”

I did what he said. “What are you doing?”

“Checking for something”

“What in particular?”


Memories? For what?

“Memories of your… childhood”, he said as if reading my thoughts.

I shivered, hoping he wasn’t going through personal things.

He removed his hands from my face and asked,”How did you know what the radiation meant even though you only just saw the angels?”

I shrugged. “I just figured since I felt icy radiation from the them, too. Is that their life energy or something?”

Not taking his eyes away from me, he took out his device again and scanned me. I flinched.

“Calm down. Sonic Screwdrivers don’t hurt unless you want it to. And right now, I don’t want it to”, he explained calmly.

“Why are you scanning me? What did I say?”

He grit his teeth. “It’s… unnatural for a human to get to know something alien so quickly. I want to know what it is about you that makes you so intelligent.” He stopped scanning me and put what he called a Sonic Screwdriver back into his pocket.

I blushed from the sudden compliment and crossed my arms. “What are you? You have these strange mechanisms the are not of this world and you can look into people's memories. And you’re obviously not human. Tell me what you are.”

He sighed and sat on a nearby bench, signaling for me to come sit down by patting the space next to him.

I sat down next to him and adjusted my gloves. By the looks of this scenario it’s going to be a speech. But I have all day, so it’s fine.

“Well, to begin with, you’re right. I am an alien”, he began. I patted myself on the back mentally.

“But I’m not who you think I am. Here…”, he grabbed one of my hands gingerly and placed it on his chest. “Listen carefully.”

Okay. I felt a heart. What’s so significant about a heart?

But then he moved my hand to the other side of his chest. I felt a second heart.

He has two hearts.

But that’s…

“Impossible…”, I muttered.

I looked up and he was grinning.

“Who are you?”, I whispered.

He removed my hand from him and he replied,”My name is The Doctor. I’m a Time Lord.”

“Time Lord?”, I sputtered. “What kind of species is that?”

“A unique one”, he said. “Can you guess my age?”

I thought for a moment. His looks say 26-ish. But by the information he just told me, he has to be much older than that.

My reply was,”over… seven hundred years?”

He raised an eyebrow. “Close. Where did that number come from?”

He said it with curiosity, not with stern. I shrugged. “Just a number. I figured since you were alien, you age slower than we do.”

He nodded. “My exact age is nine-hundred and seven.”

I stared at him in shock. “What? You’re kidding! Then why do you look so young?”

“Do I look young?”

“Uh, for nine-hundred and seven years? Yes you do!” I laughed at his stupidity.

He laughed along side me and stood up. “Let me show you something.” He held out his hand and I took it.

He led me to a corner of a bookstore then stopped and turned to me.

“I’ve never actually caught your name. What is it?”

Now that I think about it, I never did tell him.

I smiled and said,”Harris. Harris Jackson.”

He held out his hand and I took it to shake.

“Hello, Ms. Harris Jackson. Nice to finally make you an acquaintance.”

He released my hand and took my other one again. “Do you want to see how I travel across space?”

My insides began to flutter. A real alien spaceship! “Of course!”

He led me around the corner and my heart dropped.

All I saw was a blue police box.


Chapter 3 complete! Whew, what a day! Please vote and share with friends! Also comment what you thought about it or anything I should improve on!

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