Chapter 4- It's Bigger On The Inside

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“A… police box?”, I asked, confused. I walked up to it and examined it. “It’s… not very big to be traveling in space.”

He walked up and began to unlock the door. “Want to see for yourself?”

Nervously, I stopped at the front, we looked at each other, then, finally, I walked inside.

But for only about three seconds.

How could this be? It’s…

“Bigger on the inside…”

I investigated the outside, then went back inside and laughed once. “This… this has to be a dream…!”

I heard the doors shut behind me and The Doctor strode up to me, grinning from ear to ear. “I told you I’d show you what I used to move the angels.”

“No way. You used this thing?”, I stared at what looked like a control panel. How does he keep up with all of these controls?

“Now! Let’s figure out what the Weeping Angels are up to!”, he clapped once and started running around the controls, pressing buttons and pulling/pushing levers along the way. Then stopped at a screen and stared at it for a bit, looked down to work some controls, then back up again, face contorted in concentration.

I slowly walked to where he was and looked at the screen. “What is that, Doctor? It looks likes some sort of gas planet.”

“It IS a gas planet. Made up of a form of gas called Yoznite. Very uncommon around the universe.” He pulled a lever and turned to me, smiling. “You ready?”

“As ready as I’ll ever be!”, I replied happily.


As The Doctor continued to work, I decided to look around his spaceship. But then a question popped in my head.

“Doctor, does your ship have a name?”

He turned to me. “Yes, actually. It’s called the TARDIS. T-A-R-D-I-S”, he informed me. I raised an eyebrow. “That’s… an interesting name. What does it stand for?”

His face fell. He looked away, looking heartbroken. He then stood and a single tear fell onto his face.

I looked at him in concern. "Are you okay? What did I say?"

I went to comfort him, but he dismissed me. "Just... leave me alone for a moment."

What did I do wrong? Even though I just met him, I felt sorry for him. Walking down a random corridor, I thought about what had happened when I heard footsteps from behind me.

“Harris”, I heard The Doctor call. I turned and he signaled me to come. I walked up to him and he embraced me.

“I don’t want you to feel guilty. It’s not your fault that I reacted the way I did. It’s just….” He pulled away and looked into my eyes, sorrowful. “The name TARDIS reminds me that I am the last of my species.”


Chapter 4 complete! Sorry about the time. Kinda busy ya know 😅
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P.S. I made up Yoznite. Don't panic and go back to seasons 2 through 4 just to see where I got it from. It's all imagination🌈

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