D.I.V.R - 4

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D.I.V.R - 4


All the clothes the Safehaven received was from supply runs. Often times you just had to grab what you could when you were on a supply run. Luckily, Helena and I had gone with them recently and were able to snag some better looking clothes from a deserted mall. Grabbing a cream colored knit top and a black skirt that ruffled out slightly, I was glad they didn't require the use of uniforms while not on a mission. I walked out of the medium sized tent I shared with Helena, carying my clothes, towel, and the things I needed to shower. 

I walked towards the portable showers and found most of them open. There was about three rows of portable showers, five showers per row. It made it hard to find an empty one sometimes. There was no privacy and apparently no time or need to split the showers up into Co-ed ones. I went to the last row of showers and quickly stripped, placing my clothes on a nearby bench and hitting the button to turn on the water. I stepped into the shower, with only three plastic walls and began to shower. 

The water was cold, but it helped me to hurry. I wasn't too happy about having no doors. I suppose I should be worried about other things, like the aliens but I couldn't help it. I quickly applied my strawberry scented shampoo and rinsed it out, doing the same with the matching conditioner. A slight gust of wind picked up and made it even colder so she finished up quickly. Turning off the water, she reached for her towel and dried herself off before stepping out of the shower. 

I finished getting dressed and went to slip my shoes on. I heard footsteps approaching and was glad I was fully dressed. Curiosity had me turning to see who it was. I saw Parker and wanted to hide or slip away unnoticed, but he had already seen me and was walking towards where I stood. I wondered if he would yell at me for going into the hovercraft. He was in front of me and I watched as his gaze fell on my chest. 

He wasn't checking me out, no. He was looking at my scar that ran like a zipper down my chest. I had hid it my whole life and only recently did I convince myself it didn't matter what people thought of the ugly scar. Still, I brought my long hair around to slightly hide it. His eyes flickered up to mine and I saw he wanted to ask what the scar was. Everyone always asked, but worse was the people that knew what that scar meant and looked at her with sadness and pity in their eyes. 

"First off, I'd like to comment on your sneaking skills. Second, what was going through your mind when you decided to sneak into an alien hovercraft?" Parker asked. I was surprised and just smiled. 

"Why, thank you. Nothing really. Just curiosity is all." I said. He raised a brow. 

"Curiosity is dangerous. You could have been killed." Parker argued. 

"So I've been told. No I couldn't have." I said, bending to pick up my things from the bench. 

"You're not taking this seriously. There's a difference between being brave and being reckless. You, Rebecca, are reckless." He said, clearly annoyed. I looked away from him and began to walk away. 

I knew I was reckless, but I was also brave. I would have told him that, but I wasn't good at confrontations. What he said had hurt, but I wasn't going to stick around and let him see that. He was a stranger that liked to bully people around. I didn't need to be talking to someone like that. My father would tell me having people like that in my life would only cause stress and it was bad for my health. I was too deep in thought when a hand touched her shoulder lightly. 

Startled, I turned and reached for my sword but it wasn't with me. I began to curse myself for leaving it behind at the tent when I realized it was only Parker. I could tell from his expression that he hadn't meant to startle me. 

Disease Immunity Vaccine Rejection - Alien ApocalypseWhere stories live. Discover now